Deputy Principal 



NAPLAN at St Bede's is conducted online. This year the testing dates are;


* Tue 10 May - Writing test (Grade 3 paper test/ Grade 5 online)

* Wed 11 May - Reading (online grades 3 and 5)

*Thr 12 May -  Conventions of Language test  (online grades 3 and 5)

*Fri - 13 May - Numeracy (online grades 3 and 5) 


There is a coordinated practice test on 24 March 2022. This is held in all schools conducting the NAPLAN online.


Please ensure that the children's devices are fully charged on these days and that they are well rested.



Please ensure that all parking signs are observed. We ask that the school and church driveways are not used during drop off or pick up for the safety of all the children.


Helping your child to set themselves up for a fantastic year

Andrew Fuller has written an article about ways that we can help our child set themselves up for a great year. The article guides us in ways that we can talk to our children on how to  set themselves on the pathway to success. Link to Article here.