News from Christine Cross

Director of Mission


“ Known and Loved” our Marist theme, suited Graduation perfectly. It reminds us that at St Augustine’s building relationships is at the heart of what we do. Our graduation celebrations illustrated the importance each member of this community places on wishing our 2022 seniors well for the future. The graduation events had a real sense of family which is  something that can only be felt by the heart, and it certainly was felt by the heart. 


We started the day by celebrating the Eucharist, which included the handover of college leadership, followed by the Valedictory Assembly and the guard of honour. The Year 12s had a few quiet hours to themselves before we reunited for the Graduation Dinner; a most enjoyable evening. It was a privilege to be a part of these events. We are truly blessed to have such a caring Saints community. Goodbye Year 12 and God bless.


Photos from Graduation are in a folder on the Parent Portal. Click on the image below to see them.


Celebrating the Sacraments

Last Sunday during our boarders Mass, Nassar Foster received his First Holy Communion and Nassar and Tommaso Ruggiero were confirmed by Father Laurie in the name of the Holy Spirit. This was a special celebration for these boys and their families, and our Catholic College community welcomes them. May they be guided by the Holy Spirit as they go through life. Thank you to Fr Laurie for presiding over this and to Br Michael for organising the certificates.


Volunteering for Rosies

Thank you to Year 11 students who have taken over the reins of volunteering for Rosies. Mrs Peut took four students, Daniel, Michael, Darcy and Thomas to Rosies on Sunday October 16 which proved to be an eye-opening experience for all. 


A special shout out to Hayden Peut, 2022 graduand, for joining the team at the last minute to help boost low numbers. This is really showing commitment to the cause. I am really looking forward to working with our Year 12s of 2023 as I have advanced bookings for Rosies for the first time ever.

Vinnies Christmas Appeal

I'm Michael Doolan, next year's Service Captain, and I've already taken over from my predecessor, Stirling Harris. As Service Captain I have launched the Vinnies Christmas Appeal, and I’m aiming to continue the service legacy of the class of 2022 well into the future. Listed below are the kind of  items that we've been asked to collect for the appeal:


Ham (340 grams)

Custard | Pudding | Christmas Cake| Fruit Mince Pies

Cans of fruit (any size)

Sweet biscuits | Shortbread | Tins of Biscuits

Christmas decorations | Bon bons |Candy Canes

Tuna or Salmon

Pasts | Pasta Sauce | Rice