PLT News...

Year 3 & Year 6

Harmony Day in Year 6

This week the Year 6 students participated in ‘Harmony Day’ activities where all students were placed in different working groups to experience getting to know other students and teachers within the Year 6 cohort.  Students explored the meaning of Harmony Day and developed a shared definition and shared understanding of what it means to be inclusive in a diverse classroom and community.

We explored getting to know each other’s cultural backgrounds and investigated the diversity among us all through activities such as ‘Harmony Hands’ and ‘What makes us unique’.  All students thoroughly enjoyed rotating through the activities, getting to know more about each other’s culture, history and the diversity as the day went on. 

The year 6 students continued to work on what it means to be Inclusive through Literacy for the rest of the week.  Our students worked on making ‘text to self’ and ‘text to world’ connections reading books based on culture, religion, celebrating individuality and differences.  We all learnt so much about each other and what makes us unique. 

Year 3

This term has been jam packed for our Year 3’s. There has been  a lot of firsts too. Our students should be proud of how well they settled into the routine of a new timetable as well as adjusting to mask requirements. We also enjoyed our first excursion for the year, going to cross country at Casey Fields.  3B had the pleasure of hosting their very first assembly.  We are very much looking forward to having more students take on roles at assemblies in the near future.


Students have been busy this term putting their persuasive skills to the test. We have been writing exposition texts on a range of topics and learning how to present a strong argument. Students also analysed the serious issues around deforestation and expressed their opinions on the topic.


It has been fantastic to see so many students enthusiastic about books and reading. The opening of our library this term brought many students joy as they relished in the opportunity to explore different texts. Many students have chosen to bring their library books home to enjoy with their families.


We are super excited to see what Term 2 brings for our busy Year 3 learners.