Principal's Report

Michelle Mackenlay

This is the last newsletter for Term 1, and a great opportunity to wish our students and their families a wonderful school holiday and Easter break. Our last week of school includes our Whole School Assembly on Monday and our Easter Parade on Friday.  All students will finish on Friday 8th of April at 2:30pm. 


I would personally like to thank all families who supported our Easter Raffle this year.  We received an enormous amount of donations to make into a number of prizes and therefore, more students could be lucky winners. Likewise, tickets sales have been amazing and we thank all families who have bought tickets and wish them luck for the drawing of the raffle at our Easter Parade. With families donating the prizes, we are able to claim 100% of the money raised and put this money back into school improvements for our children. I will report the total money raised early next term via the newsletter.


A reminder to all parents/carers that our staggered dismissal times will end this term.  All students will finish their school day at 3:30pm, starting after the holidays.

We return to school on Tuesday 26th April, the day after the Public Holiday for ANZAC Day.


Harmony Day

Last Monday we celebrated Harmony Day by wearing a splash of orange. We learnt about cultural diversity, inclusiveness and respect. Traditionally, orange signifies social

 communication and meaningful conversations. It also relates to the freedom of ideas and encouragement of mutual respect. 


Junior Sports Day

What a wonderful Junior Sports Day we had on Monday. The weather started off a little cloudy but luckily it turned out to be a perfect day for our students in Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2.

The students looked great in their house colours and the excitement on the day was very evident when all students participated in events such as a tug of war, volleyball, hurdles, hockey dribbling and hand-balling. Congratulations to all students for their terrific enthusiasm and participation.  We are very proud of your efforts!

Also a big thank you to all of our parents and grandparents who came along to cheer for our sports stars on the day.  The students really do get so much out of having you all there to watch them trying their best!  Thanks also goes to the Year 6 students and staff who helped out at the event. 

Club Connect Taekwondo

Late last year, we secured a grant from Club Connect, which aims to enable primary 

schools to build relationships and involvement with local sporting clubs. This program allows us to deliver out of school hours sports programs. During the last three weeks of Term 1, we have been able to run a before school Taekwondo program to students in Year 3-6. All the students that took part have really enjoyed learning a number of new skills and movement sequences. 


Student Leaders Reception - written by our School Captains Jada and Sam

Last Thursday, Mrs Brittain took us to the City of Casey School Leaders Reception because we are the school captains and Aekam and Kyjuan are the vice captains.  When we arrived at Bunjil Place, we received a showbag that had a program of the presenters, a pen, a highlighter and a special City of Casey School Leader badge.  We saw lots of other students who were leaders of different schools. 

When we entered the theatre and sat down, we got to watch a performance from a HipHop crew from J-Step Dance.  Their dance was fantastic! After that we listened to many presenters who are working as leaders in our community.  One of them was Lucy Bartholomew, an Australian Ultra Runner. She talked about being positive and to keep trying. She also told us that we all have choices and when we want to give up, we need to make the choice to keep going.  Lucy told us how she got better at running by having resilience. Once the Reception was finished, we got to have a special lunch outside.


District Cross Country

Congratulations to the students who will represent our school at the District Cross Country on May 5th. Our district team will compete at Casey Fields against other students from nearby schools.  Good luck to our team, who are listed in this edition of the newsletter.


2022 School Council

Our School Council consists of 13 members made up of staff and parents. After the nomination process earlier this year, I am pleased to announce the members of our 2022 School Council, who met for the first time last Monday.


President: Jeewat Kaur Singh

Vice President: Jenny Maypiece

Secretary: Sharon Diehl

Treasurer: Kylie Williams

Amelia Smith

Karlie Suttie

Simone Armstrong

Lee Russell

Sue Lumley

Michelle Mackenlay

Sarah Bannister

Steph Harrip

Courtney Goodman


Being a member of the school council is a rewarding and challenging experience. Acting as a team, council supports the principal to provide the best possible educational outcomes for students. 


2022 School Review

All schools must participate in a school review every 4 years, Clyde PS is having its review in Term 2, 2022. The Department of Education undertakes a review of school performance to inform the directions of the school’s 4 year Strategic Plan (a legislative requirement for all schools). The aim is to create a cycle of continuous improvement, where schools are supported to improve student outcomes. Currently, we are using data and evidence to undertake a pre-review self-evaluation (PRSE) to form a collective view of current practice and areas for improvement. We will further update you in Term 2 about this process.



ANZAC Day is a National Day of Remembrance to commemorate Australians and New-Zealanders who served for their countries. On Tuesday 26th April, the first day back of

 Term 2, Clyde Primary School will be holding a Commemoration Service for ANZAC Day at 12:30pm on the basketball court.  Parents and guardians are welcome to attend our school service.  On this day students will also participate in activities to understand the importance of ANZAC Day and the service men and women who have served our nation. 


Curriculum Day

Next term we will be having a Curriculum Day on Monday 23rd May. No students will attend on this day. If you require care for your children on this day, Team Kids will be running a full day program. You can register or book here: Team Kids

Our staff will be using this day for professional   learning and report writing.


Breakfast Club

Throughout Term 1, our Clyde Breakfast Club program has continued to grow, with over 60 students attending each day to enjoy a nutritious breakfast.. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the students, parents, community members and staff who make this program possible.

Next term, as a result of the easing of Covid restrictions and the colder weather approaching, our Breakfast Club program will relocate indoors and he held in the library (entry is via the main doors, not individual classrooms).

The first Breakfast Club for Term 2 will be held on Tuesday April 26.

Then, Breakfast Club will be open Tuesdays and Fridays from 8:15 – 8:40am.

Parents and friends, while we have a dedicated roster of volunteers who assist with the running of our Breakfast Club each week, we are unable to offer this program without community support. However, many hands make light work and we are always looking for more parents and friends to help out. If this interests you, or you would like more information, please contact the school office.


Sporting Schools Taekwondo

Earlier this term, we secured a grant from Sporting Schools, which is an initiative 

designed to help schools increase children’s participation in sport and connect them with community sport opportunities. 

This initiative is run during class time.  All students in Years 3-6 took part in Taekwondo during their regular PE lessons for the last two weeks of Term 1. Students have been learning the correct way to punch, block and kick with self-defence in mind, as well as working together as a team. 


Unwanted Colouring Books

This week I trialled putting some colouring sheets and pencils outside at recess and lunch breaks. Over the week, I have watched an increasing amount of students pass by, sit and colour for a few moments and then return to playing. This has given children a quieter activity to do and a great way to find new friends to talk to. I am looking for some colouring book donations to support this to occur everyday in Term 2, rather than photocopying. If you have any 'unwanted/partially used' colouring books sitting around at your place, we would love to take them off your hands. Just bring them into the office and we will happily make use of them.