Getting to know Lauren


This year we warmly welcome Lauren to the school as our new Acting Deputy Principal.  Welcome to the team Lauren!



Lauren Hall



Acting Deputy Principal


Favourite way to spend time outside of work?

Spending it with my three children, camping and socialising!


How long have you worked at JPII?  Where did work previously?

This is my first year at JPII and I am loving it!


What drew you/inspired you to come to work at JPII

I had the opportunity to further develop my leadership skills and was offered the position at JPII.  I jumped at the chance to be a part of such a fantastic school community!


Best moment at JPII (so far!) 

Meeting everyone! Especially the amazing students and staff who have been so welcoming.


What is your unique experience/skill that you bring to the JPII team?

Dancing is definitely NOT a skill of mine - even if Mr Gill keeps telling everyone it is!  I would hope that people who have worked with me or who I have taught would say that I am a good listener, kind and willing to assist others in a time of need.


Any last word before the school bell goes............?

Always choose kindness!

“Kindness is more than deeds.  It is an attitude, an expression, a look, a touch.  It is anything that lifts another person.”