Family Time with Tommi 

Our school is family to us. We enjoy getting to know our families and every student well so that we can provide the best education, care and support. Our mission is for for all students to reach their full potential and shine brightly.


In this issue we had the pleasure of getting to know Tommi's family who have just commenced Kindergarten.


Family:  Megan, John and sons Tommi & Olli


Lives in:  Sandford 


What is your favourite way to spend time with your family?

We love exploring our property, going for bike rides and enjoying delicious food together. 


How many children do you have attending this school and which Grade?

Tommi and he is in Kindergarten.


What made JPII your school of choice for your children and family?

We really want Tommi's education to be nurtured, where his individual strengths will be fostered and for him to feel a part of a community within the school. We want him to thrive and for his school years to be a positive experience. We believe JPII is the best school to give him this and much more. There are many new major developments happening within the school and we feel like we are joining at the perfect time. We also love that the school isn't huge and overpopulated. 


What has your JPII experience been like for your children and family?

From the moment we first entered the office we have never felt so welcome! Everyone is so incredibly friendly! I was floored when Mr Gill took us on a tour of the school. He knew every child's name, children were so excited to see him and most importantly for us, Tommi felt comfortable to speak to people when they asked him questions, rather than shying behind me, hoping I would answer for him. He was excited to be there, looking around and meeting everyone. We love his teachers and feel like we are a part of the JPII family. 


What is your child's favourite thing about coming to his new school and Kinder?

Seeing his friends that he has made, checking out all the amazing activities that the teachers have set up - they really go above and beyond. And the new bikes! He loves the bikes and dressing up as a ninja turtle. 


Any helpful tips for new parents starting Kinder in 2023?

I can’t recommend the school's Set Up for Success program more highly! 

We attended every Friday and it was fantastic. It has made the transition into kindergarten a breeze. Tommi got to know his teachers, other children who are in his class and became familiar and comfortable with the school. 

He especially loved the bus rides on “John’s Bus” and going on excursions.

It’s a great way to meet other parents and the free coffee was always a hit for me! 

By being a part of this program for the year prior to Tommi starting kindergarten it has given him so much confidence - and us! I knew that when the time came for me to drop him at school and walk away, that he would be so well looked after. Now that he has officially started Kinder it's been a breeze and such a happy time; he looks forward to school and gets excited to go. 


Lastly,  would you recommend JPII to other families and why?

Yes, and yes! JPII is an up-and-coming school with many new major developments. It’s a school that feels like home, we couldn’t be happier.