From the Deputy Principal

Jason Fay  

Children Need to be Children

Next week we will face up the challenge of online or remote learning once again. Teachers will communicate with families regarding this, staying true to the inquiry learning values of the school.


It must be noted though that play, getting outside, getting creative and being active continue to be just as, if not more important for the learning and wellbeing of children than learning at home. 


Time immersed in play, whether it be structured or unstructured, inside or outdoors, will ensure children get to be children in the most natural way possible. This might feel like an inefficient use of ‘learning time’ but learning is enhanced by these experiences. As an adult you can support this by…

• Asking questions to promote thinking 

• Modelling skills and learning

• Looking for natural, everyday explorations and helping children find these 

• Letting children start their own explorations

• Leading reflection through conversation and suggesting new ideas


For all of the immersion in online environments, we must ensure children still have the opportunity to play, build things with their hands and appreciate the outdoors. As we are mindful that children in classrooms next week complete the same remote learning programs as students at home, there will be an abundance of outside play opportunities for students here at school. Natural play environments around the school will provide students with the opportunity to work outside and play in non-technological ways. Students at home need this too.


This time of play and wonder for our children right now is crucial to provide them with the space to maintain their own routine and wellbeing.



Jason Fay | Deputy Principal