Despite our excitement and the overall optimism about returning to school, the first week or so can be really challenging. It takes everyone, students and staff alike a little time to get back into the swing of things. Having spent the last six weeks determining the patterns of our own days we are once again moving to the sound of bells and following our timetables. Things are new, especially for our Year 7 students. We have new people in our class, new teachers, new classrooms and new subjects and yet some things are exactly the same. A day of classes feels much harder than days during the holidays and time seems to move at a glacial pace particularly in Lesson 4. We can often end the day feeling drained and lacking in energy. It won’t be long though before we shake this feeling, we become reacquainted with routines of the school day and we really embrace all the wonderful things about being back at school. There are certainly some things we can keep at the front of our minds as we move into Term 1 that will help us settle in and make the most of our learning environment.


Don’t let something small turn into something big.  If students or parents have concerns or things don’t seem quite right make contact with the Homeroom Teacher or a House Leader. Small issues can most often be resolved quickly and this reduces anxiety for everyone.


Strive to meet the College Community Expectations. These five expectations, if enacted, ensure that our school is one where every person feels respected and where learning and growth can take place. 

  • We are on time and ready to learn.
  • We always follow staff instructions. 
  • We all use appropriate language.
  • We respect ourselves, others and our learning environment.
  • We are responsible for our own behaviour.

Wear your uniform well. We would like to see our students improve in the way they wear their uniform and the first few weeks of school is the perfect time to lift our standards. Whilst the majority of our students undoubtedly follow our uniform policy there are still a number of students who choose to wear PE gear on a day where they don’t have PE, who have visible facial piercings and multiple jewellery items, who are wearing black socks consistently. A reminder that all students are expected to have a hat with them at recess and at lunchtime in Term 1. There are plenty of unnamed spare hats in Pastoral Care that have been left behind. Students are welcome to come and collect one of these if they have lost their own. 


Be proud of being a member of our school community. Our school is a wonderful place. We have dedicated staff, great resources and facilities and our students are friendly, welcoming and inclusive. Live out our school values of generosity, respect, reverence, dignity, forgiveness and compassion in the way you work and play each day. Treat everyone you meet with respect, make them feel welcome and included. Try to understand where other people are coming from rather than judging. Include everyone and above all remember to be kind. 


It is wonderful to start 2022 onsite and our prayer is that this continues.