a word from leadership

Welcome Ali Flynn 

OSHC Coordinator

A very special welcome to Ali Flynn, our new OSHC Coordinator.  Ali began in our service today, making connections with staff and students.


Ali Joins us from Pultney Grammar where she has served as OSHC Director for 7 years.  Ali's experience and passion for this valued and important extension of the day is exciting to witness.


Ali, we pray your transition into our community is blessed with new friendships, new challenges and a strong sense of belonging to our wonderful community. 


Ali is contactable via the generic OSHC email imagination@gspv.sa.edu.au or alice.flynn@gspv.sa.edu.au 


Special thanks to our OSHC team who have collaborated to lead the service in the absence of a Coordinator since Alanah Ford's speedy exit to commence her first teaching role.

Supporting OSHC users

With some cases of COVID 19 in the school, families are encouraged to avoid OSHC where possible, if their child is identified as a Classroom Contact.


OSHC users, please rest assured that we will ensure any COVID related cancelled bookings are accepted and processed without charge.

Let's celebrate - Learning

There's something inspiring and encouraging about the enthusiasm of young learners. No matter what emotions are being experienced, the joy of learning together and from one another creates energy and helps brains to make connections. 

I have enjoyed visiting and being amongst learners: reading; developing fine motor skills through intentional activities;  inquiry play; learning Auslan from students (super fast learners!);  phonics and writing lessons;  visual arts learning ....

I celebrate all the learning opportunities already experienced in 2022.

Karen Schoff

Director Learning Innovation

Let's celebrate - Transitioning back to school

It has been a pleasure to walk with students this last three weeks as they have transitioned into the 2022 school year. While there have been some big feelings that students have and are still working through, each day has joy and fun.

I am proud of the students for the way that they have demonstrated resilience, independence and optimism in their approach to the start of school.  I am proud of you as parents as you have navigated this significant time with grace.  I am proud of the staff for the way that they bring their best everyday.

Blessings for the term and year ahead.

Evie Stevens

Director Junior Primary

Let's celebrate - Friendships

The buzz has returned to the school yard, with students enjoying the play areas and reuniting with their friends. There is also a sense of excitement around making new friendships and the hope and optimism that it stirs up in our students. Over the past week I have watched some beautiful moments of friendship whilst out on yard duty; hi-5's when someone can finally complete the monkey bars, a group of students stopping mid handball game to help a student in need, arranging meeting spots with new students so they have someone to play with and the many outbursts of laughter between groups of students chatting. Whilst seemingly small, these are subtle reminders that we are still connected and friendships matter!

Claudia Deanshaw

Acting Director Senior Primary