
Welcome to Prep 1 and 2!

So week 1 has finally arrived for our newest school members! And Prep 1 and 2 have reached some amazing goals already!

Some of the things we have been doing include: 


* Learning our rules and routines

* Learning to sit for short group sessions including shared reading

* Name writing

* Communication on Proloquo2Go

* Sentence writing and counting!!


Our focus books have us learning core words each week on Proloquo2Go and using them in sentences when we write.  We are learning to request more, count to 10 and the values of those numbers.  In our Health lessons we are learning about our feelings, body parts and recognising ways to manage different feelings and body responses through interception lessons. In our Physical Education lessons we are practising our fundamental movement skills and these lessons are highly modified to meet our learners needs.  There are 4 specialist lessons a week and the students are already doing so amazing at transitioning to and from these classrooms which is a very important lifelong skill. As a part of our Project Based Learning we are learning all about our names.  At the end of this project we will be holding a book launch to demonstrate all we have learned for our families. So much learning and so much communicating is happening in our class and we are very proud of our efforts thus far! 


- Kylie, Belinda, Anna and Nicole