From the General Office...

Canteen News

Eftpos will be available in the Year 10-12 Canteen from 12th August 2019.

We have taken on board feedback from students regarding Eftpos in the Canteen. This was presented to College Council at the June meeting where it was agreed to run a trial for the remainder of 2019 in the Year 10-12 Canteen. Purchases will be limited to between $5.00 and $15.00

Did you know that students can order their lunch in the morning? Orders are to be in by 9:00am

Staff Profile

Name: Michelle Ryan

What is your role? Science KLA Leader.  

I teach VCE Biology, Science, Maths and Pastoral

What do you like most about your job? I love getting to know the students and being involved in their development into amazing adults

What was the first concert you attended? Pete Murray when I was about 14.

If you had to eat one meal every day for the rest of your life, what would it be? Pizza

What are three words that describe BSC?  Welcoming, Dynamic, Community