Religious Education 

 Mrs Cheryl Ross | REC Coordinator 

Confirmation Information evening

Last night the first of two Information sessions for Confirmation took place. Candidates were split into three groups and led by the Fr Julian, Fr Anderson and Deacon Zljeko. 

The second session will take place on Thursday 1st June from 5.30pm - 6.30pm. 


Nicholas and Dash - two of our  Year 6 Confirmation candidates-  wrote about their experience from their first session …..

Last night the Confirmation Candidates took part in their first of two  information sessions. It was led by two parish priests, Father Julian, Father Anderson and Deacon Zjelko. Other students from around the Shire also joined us. It was held in Our Lady of Fatima Parish Church. Some of the discussion was about:

  •  How Jesus promised the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.
  • The Fruits of the Holy Spirit
  • The Sacraments of Initiation
  • The role of the sponsor in Confirmation
  • Our choice of a Saints name for Confirmation
  • How the gifts of the Holy Spirit helps us in our lives
  • Symbols and images of Pentecost

 The students are very excited to continue on with their path to being confirmed.

The above images were taken of the Year 6 classroom displays in preparation for their learning about the Sacrament.

  • A reminder that the Sacrament of Confirmation will take place on Sunday 18th June at 12.00pm (Please Note: originally two Confirmation Masses were to be held on this day. However due to less numbers than originally anticipated, Bishop Umbers has requested just ONE Confirmation Mass on this day at 12:00pm).

Family Mass for Confirmation:

You are most welcome to join the Yr 6 Confirmation candidates at the 5.30pm Family Mass on Saturday 27th May. 

A few dates for the parents/carers of the Confirmation candidates. 

Father Julian’s Special Birthday Mass

On Wednesday 31st May students in Years 7 and 8 from De La Salle College and students in Years 4 and 6 from OLF will be celebrating a special Birthday Mass for Fr Julian at 12pm.

You are most welcome to attend this Mass and join in the celebrations. 

Grade Masses

During the Term, Year 3 -6 have the opportunity to attend the 9.15 Friday Parish Mass. You are most welcome to attend any of these Masses and to join in celebrating the Eucharist with whatever grade is attending on that day. 


The dates for the grade Masses this term are: 

Year 5: 26th May and 23rd June

Year 3:  9th June

Year 4: 30th June


The Feast of the Ascension    

The Feast of the Ascension commemorates Jesus' ascension into heaven 40 days after his resurrection. Thus Ascension Day falls 40 days after Easter, on the 6th Thursday of Easter. The solemnity is celebrated on the Sunday after the traditional date. So… at this Sunday’s Mass the readings will retell for us the events of Jesus’ return to His Father. 


A reading from the holy Gospel according to Matthew
All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
The eleven disciples set out for Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had arranged to meet them. When they saw him they fell down before him, though some hesitated. Jesus came up and spoke to them. He said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, make disciples of all the nations; baptise them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teach them to observe all the commandments I gave to you. And know that I am with you always; yes, to the end of time.’

Finally, have a wonderful fortnight everyone ! 






Mrs Cheryl Ross | Religious Education Coordinator