Grade 3 - 4


This week students have been learning about prefixes. They have been exploring what prefixes are, how to use them and investigating some common examples that they can use to widen vocabulary. 


In Writing this week we have been exploring recounts further and learning to bump up our work. Students have had the opportunity to write about their experiences of the ‘Athletics Carnival’ in the form of a recount, then use chromebooks to publish their work. They have done an excellent job!


This week in Maths has been messy but fun! Students have been working on developing their Capacity knowledge using formal and informal units of measurement. Students have been busy estimating and measuring how many cups of water filled a bucket. Students then moved onto identifying how many millilitres are in a Litre and converting between. 

Language Conventions 

Language conventions this week have been looking at verbs. The students are learning not only what they are, but when to use them correctly. We have also been looking at sentence structure and how to write the best sentences in their writing. We will continue looking at verbs for next week as well.


In Humanities, we have been continuing our learning of Australian Climates. We have been learning about the population distribution of Indigenous Australians and how the climate impacts them. We have looked at maps and unpacked the reasons for the change in population distribution. 

Respectful Relationships 

Students have been learning about techniques to help calm them down when a circumstance makes them angry or unsettled. Students are also investigating how to properly apologise if they ever upset a friend.

Mothers Day 

Thankyou to all our mums who came and completed activities on Friday afternoon!