In reading, we have continued learning some new digraphs (two letters that make one sound). The digraphs that we learnt this past fortnight were: ee, or, ng, oo/oo, ch, and sh. Students have also begun to learn about tricky words. These are words which cannot be sounded out easily. So far, we have learnt the tricky words: we, the, I, to, a, and my. Students have practiced writing these words in sand, rice and identifying them in sentences.
It’s been a very exciting 2 weeks of writing this term! They have enjoyed going to the aquarium and the pizza parlour right here at Grayling Primary. Students have actively immersed themselves in these experiences through feeding the fish and peeking into the underwater cave at the aquarium as well as preparing and baking their pizza in the oven at the pizza parlour. They helped brainstorm words from their experience to help them create their recount writing and being sure to include their title, picture and sentence. We are super impressed with the progress they have made.
You may have had your child asking you some ‘Do you like…’ questions last week and that is because in Maths we asked each other these types of questions as a way of collecting data about one another. In this unit, the students learnt how to gather information through different questions, and how to represent it so that it is easy to understand. We did so in an organised table using tally marks and pictures.
This week our focus in Maths shifted from data and we began learning about different types of patterns. We explored simple AB patterns and ABC patterns. It was so great to see the students using their creative brains to have a go at making their own patterns using coloured blocks, shape tiles, beads and coloured teddies.
On behalf of the Preps, we would hope you all had a fabulous Mothers Day and students were super kind to you all weekend! We have spent this fortnight learning about our school values Daring and United. We demonstrated ways that we can show these values at school and around the community. Be sure to ask your child about their bravery shields and the strategies they use to be brave.
Students also participated in a range of teamwork activities to build their communication skills as well as their ability to take turns and work together. They played a round robin of Minute to Win it games and had so much fun while doing it.