Principal's Panorama

Miss Justine Goonan

We have had a great start to Term Two!

Over the next few weeks we are welcoming new staff members to our team here at SHS. We celebrated Catholic Education week last week and Mother's Day today. Thank you to everyone who was able to attend our Mother's Day Prayer and F/1 Assembly, it was wonderful to see so many faces and a great chance to catch up over morning tea.


Please see the Term Two Calendar for upcoming events on one of the following tabs.

Upcoming events include Cross Country and Year 5/6 camp.

The permission note for Cross Country has been shared today via PAM. You will have received an email alert with a link that will take you directly to the permission note, alternatively you can log into PAM to grant permission.

Information for the Year 5/6 camp in a couple of weeks, will be sent out next week.


This Friday the 19th of May students are encouraged to walk to school with their family as part of 'Walk Safely to School Day' event. Students and families who participate will receive some promotional materials from the event. Please note that families will be required to supervise their child/ren. 


Towong Shire are planning to set up an Out of Hours School Care service at Corryong College. I have spoken with Towong Shire today about how our students will be supported in accessing this service through provided transport. If you are interested in possibly using this service in the future, I encourage you to attend this community meeting so you can have your say in how this service may look. 



Our mornings are mighty chilly, with it only warming up around lunchtime. Students are asked to wear long sleeves and pants in the morning, otherwise it makes our morning play and exercise times pretty uncomfortable. Students are welcome to change into shorts later in the day as the weather warms up, but given most mornings this week it has been around 2 degrees, it's important they're wearing warm clothing.


Recycle, Earn & Play

Our School is collecting bread and wrap bags so we can score some new sports equipment. The more bags we have, the more points we earn! So please save them and your child can pop them into our collection box in term 2. 


Wishing all of our Mother's, Nans, Aunties, Carers and Special People in the lives of our students a wonderful Mother's Day this week!


Justine Goonan


Principal, Sacred Heart School


For upcoming events please see the Term Two Calendar