Principal's Message

School Philosophy
Orchard Grove Primary School is committed to providing a safe, nurturing environment that engages curiosity, promotes learning, personal growth, and well-being for all students. We strive to develop adaptability and resilience so students can become valued members of the local and global communities and be prepared for future life experiences.
From the Principal
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to another newsletter!
Congratulations to our District Cross Country team, who came second overall! What a suburb effort all round. We had 15 of our students progress into the Division round which was this week. 7 of these students will now progress to Regionals. Well done to all of our students and good luck to those heading to the Regional division.
We have had lots of year levels heading off on excursions or having incursions here at school over the past two weeks. A big thank you to the teachers and parents who have helped make these events so exciting - they are invaluable in bringing classroom learning to life in a fun and engaging way.
We also have our toilet refurbishment starting in the next week or so! This has been in the planning process for over a year, so this is an exciting development. The refurbishment will take about 8 weeks and see both the male and female toilets near the PAC and TeamKids fully refitted. There will be some Portaloos on the basketball courts, for the Year 5 and 6 students to use whilst the others are out of action, for the duration of the build.
In other exciting building news, we have been given funding to begin the first steps in the process of the new STEM centre. This will be a master plan of the school, including the new STEM centre. There will be parent consultation as part of the initial brief, so please keep an eye out for surveys via Compass in the coming weeks. We anticipate this planning and design phase will take around 18 months, so I will keep you informed as to our progress over time.
Can I please once again ask everyone to show respect and consideration in the Holland Road car park. We need everyone to park in marked bays and park out on the road when there are no spots left. We have had some very near misses of cars hitting students - from parents not stopping for crossing children via the crossing as well as students walking/running in front of cars.
Stay warm and have a good weekend.
Michelle Ogilvie