School Council Update

At the last School Council  the Annual Public Reporting meeting was held to present an overview 2022 Annual Report. At the general meeting the following items were discussed or presented;

  • Child Safe Standards Training - Part 1
  • Occupational Health and Safety update - Lisa Thompson elected the new Education Support HSR Rep.
  • Planet Ark Fundraiser (Plastic Free July) approved for 28th July. 
  • 2024-2027 National School Wellbeing Program funding application.
  • International Teacher Recruitment opportunity
  • 2023 School Council Self-Assessment Tool - Part A
  • Interstate travel by Principal to AASE Conference
  • Dog Connect presented by Warren Dawson
  • Mother's Day

Policies for review 

  • Enrolment Policy

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 9th August, 2023 at 5:00pm