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RECON: National awards announced in Hobart


The Real Estate Conversation broke news of First National Real Estate’s national awards winners following the network’s glittering awards night in Hobart at PW1. More…

RECON: Housing Minister’s first post-Budget speech


Following Julie Collins’ address at our Hobart Convention, The Real Estate Conversation shared news with the industry of her first post-Budget speech. More…

RECON: Australia needs more homes


The fact that Australia needs more homes seems about the only thing the serving Housing Minister and Shadow Minister agreed upon, following their addresses to First National’s delegates in Hobart. 


The Real Estate Conversation was the industry publication that shared the news. More… 

7NEWS: Fury over routine inspection pro forma letter

A First National office narrowly avoided adverse publicity after sending out a 10-year-old template routine inspection letter to a new tenant during Budget week, when every news outlet was distracted by Budget analysis. 


The letter, which was written over 10 years ago, didn’t meet with today’s community expectations. Angered by its tone, the tenant posted the letter (without branding) on Reddit, where it received thousands of comments, before coming to the attention of 7NEWS (who incorrectly reported its contents on Facebook), then the story attracted even more indignant comments from tenants.


The incident serves as a timely reminder to all real estate agencies to check and update any pro forma letters you may be using. 


Practically every Australian business would be using template letters and it’s all too easy to forget to review them periodically. In this instance, tenants were warned that any shortcomings during their routine inspection would immediately result in a breach – which was not in fact our office’s policy. The letter also warned that ‘gardens must be weeded and ground turned’, which seemed  excessively onerous in a suburban setting.


Fortunately, upon realising the oversight, the office acted swiftly to update the letter, reviewed other templates in use, and contacted head office to alert the network to the potential for media inquiry as well as to discuss how to respond if media enquiry was received.


Fortunately, that's where the story ended.

Herald Sun: Tree changes change again


Mick Dolphin of FN Ranges (Belgrave, Vic) was quoted in a Herald Sun article concerning the slide in values that has occurred in the Dandenongs after the pandemic buying frenzy. 


Even through prices have stabilised or even started rising again, according to Mick, the article’s focus was on how there had been a ‘plunge of interest’. 


UP-SKILLING: Get the most out of your REA Connect subscription – 14 June

Because you’re with First National, you get the most affordable access to Connect in Australia. Have you signed up for your discounted subscription yet? Find out more here…


For those who are already onboard, the next step is getting the most out of your subscription. 


Join REA on our upcoming webinar, Wednesday 14 June – 11:00 am to 12:00 (AEST).