Director of Sport 

Mr Michael Moschogianis 

Mountain Bike All-Schools Competition

On Friday 5 May ten students, accompanied by Mr Jake Terhell and Mr Barry Maxwell, departed the College at 5.45 am to make the trip to the Trevallyn Nature Reserve in Launceston to compete in the All-Schools Mountain Biking Competition. 


A phenomenal amount of 171 riders lined up for the start of the first event - the U15 Male section - with each school allowed one priority rider to start 10 metres in front. Jonte Tummon was nominated for the job which proved to be beneficial as once the group left the start and entered the track space became a premium. The riders settled into the rhythm as the race spread out over the length of the 4 km course. Three laps was the requirement but once a rider was lapped they could only complete their current lap to finish. Jonte finished in a credible 6th place on the same lap count as the winner. Max Finlayson, Cillian Cullen, Lachlan Seabourne and Jack Doddridge stuck it out and while finishing a lap down they put in a great effort.


U19 was next in the cross-country event with Darcy Berry being our sole representative. Five laps was the aim and the rain started as the race was beginning. Darcy completed four laps and finishing a credible 7th. 


The U17s were the final cross-country group for the day with the U15s heading off to Sidewinder track. Sidewinder was getting slippery and the XCO track had developed some muddy sections. 105 riders lined up for the U17 race with Archie Gray taking the front spot. Another hectic start ensued but once through the bottle neck the field sorted themselves out. The riders battled the track and the elements without complaint.


Congratulations to all the riders – Darcy Berry (Year 11), Archie Gray and Chris Turner (Year 10), Tenny Archer and Murdoch Lee (Year 9), and Jonte Tummon, Lachlan Seabourne, Cillian Cullen, Jack Doddridge and Max Finlayson (Year 8). Their conduct and organisation throughout the trip was impeccable and they represented the College exceptionally, always showing grit, determination and pride.


Notable results were:

U15Jonte Tummon1st in the Enduro Downhill, 6th in the XCO
U17Archie Gray25th in XCO
U19Darcy Berry7th in the XCO


Congratulations to our sensational volleyball team who participated in the Indoor Volleyball School Cup 2023 last week at the Kingborough Sport Centre.


They represented the College proudly and worked incredibly hard on and off the court.


Accompanied by Mr Aaron Tan and Mrs Kim Mooney, the day was full of positivity and wholesomeness, and the students made SVC's name shine.


While we didn't come away with the win, officials and spectators were so complimentary, including going out of their way to mention the students' respectful nature and ability to play 'proper' volleyball (following rules, rhythm and process).


Well done boys!

Cross Country

An almighty display of House Spirit and participation was demonstrated in last week’s Whole College Annual Cross Country for students in Year 3-11. The boys soaked up the sunny day as they battled it out for the House cup.


Congratulations to our Senior School winners:

Joyce - 619 points

Hessian - 608 points

Dwyer - 590 points

Doyle - 514 points


Individual Winners:

Year 7 U13 – Arden Petersen

Year 8 U14 – Jake Beams

Year 9 U15 – Ben Barwick

Year 10 U16 – Benjamin Korotki

Year 11 Open – Jacob Clothier


We look forward to Team sVc racing at next week’s SSATIS Cross Country Carnival at Soldiers Memorial Oval.