Director of Student Wellbeing

 Ms Farron Boxall 

Assessment Task Due Dates and Extension Request Process

With Assessment Tasks being introduced or underway it can be at this point in the term where students struggle to prioritise tasks and meet deadlines. Our boys' organisation and time management are the keys to their success here. I encourage boys to use their SIMON Calendar to record Homework and Assessment Tasks due dates to assist their prioritisation of tasks. Although time is provided in class for Assessment Tasks, all students should have a study schedule outside of school to contribute to their work, finish off Tasks, proofread and edit so they are submitting quality work completed to the best of their ability. 


As communicated previously it is a requirement Assessment Tasks are submitted by students to SIMON by the due date. If a student is unable to meet the due date deadline they must:

  • Apply for an extension to their subject teacher by completing the Extension Request form (found in Quick Links on SIMON) more than 24 hours in advance.
  • This application needs to be signed by a parent/carer.
  • Failure to apply for an extension at least 24 hours in advance and with a valid reason will result in an academic detention which takes place on Wednesday afternoons; we request your support with boys attendance. 

If your son struggles with developing and/or implementing these skills and routines, Homework Club takes place every Thursday afternoon in the JPC Foyer which will be a supportive first step.

Year 10 and 11 Mid-Year Exams

The focus of our recent Extended PC sessions in the Senior Years has been on exam preparation. Students have been provided with study and organistional skills to support their revision in the lead up to exams. A central component of this was the development of a Study Schedule and I highly encourage boys to use this to their advantage. 

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and starting on the first one” (Mark Twain).

It is also important boys look after their physical, mental and emotional health in the lead up to what can be a stressful time for some students. Please see resources below to support students with this at home. If you have any cause for concern, our Student Support Team of College Counselors and Psychologists is on site to assist. 

Pride in Personal Appearance 

We encourage our young men at St Virgil's to take pride in their appearance. While in College uniform, they represent what it means to be a Virgilian proudly. However, we know at times they will need a gentle reminder of this.


Uniform and Jewelry

As the weather becomes cooler some non-uniform items have become noticeable as boys arrive to school. Students are reminded to keep themselves warm with school uniform items only such as the grey jumper, long sleeve shirt and trousers. Thermals under shirts are recommended. Similarly, jewellery (other than a watch) should not be worn. 


Facial Hair

Students are expected to be clean-shaven. I have requested Pastoral Care Teachers have a conversation with any students who may need a reminder of this expectation. Parental support with ensuring the boys are representing themselves and the College appropriately is greatly appreciated.