From the Acting Principal

Mr Daniel Lapolla 

Dear Parents/Carers, Students and Friends of St Virgil’s,

“We are a Connected, Engaged and Caring Community.”

Our strategic direction is clear to see as the boys enter our campus here at Austins Ferry. Its weight and meaning is pivotal to our success in working with our young men. 


The same can be said for parents and staff - that when we feel as though we belong, when we are connected and when we have supportive avenues, we can see the benefits and successful outcomes. 


We pride ourselves on the opportunities that the College provides to achieve this outcome. Recent events such as ANZAC Day Services, Edmund Rice Day, Cross Country, Middle School Assembly, Caritas Fundraisers, House competitions, class Masses and Careers Showcase are all examples of fulfilling our strategic direction. 


When we adopt the mentality of picking and choosing what suits, we can begin to lose the focus of community and belonging. Attendance and participation at any College event is an expectation. When we open up the realm of choice, we can then open up to anything and everything that comes our way and we will become accustomed to pulling away from challenges and taking the easy road. 


As stated in the Gospel of Matthew;

Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it.

I commend those young men who consistently adopt a positive attitude and put others ahead of themselves, for you are truly living out the Virgilian Way through your deeds. Those young men who do not focus on their own wants and needs but are willing to be part of something bigger than themselves. For those boys who knew that running the cross country just wasn’t their preferred event but tried their best anyway, for those who walked with and supported their mates around the track, these actions do not go unnoticed and speaks volumes on what it means to belong and feel connected.

Careers and Pathways

Whilst for some of our boys they may feel unsure of what their future holds, others may be ready to jump in with both feet. Both responses are welcomed as the key should be to explore and evaluate interests and passions which you enjoy. Our approach to pathways has undergone significant review with the reintegration of Year 11. This approach, however, is not solely focused on Year 11. 


Our Year 10s are underway in their Course Counselling program supported by the Southern Catholic Colleges Careers Showcase this Friday 19 May. Our next Parent Information Evening will occur on Tuesday 6 June, where parents and students will have the opportunity to speak with teachers about subjects and pathways options. 


In Term 3, our Year 8s and 9s will begin the process of unpacking their elective options, which should have a pathway in mind to analyse and rationalise their decision making. We will also welcome guest speakers from various industries within our Student Wellbeing Program. 


We encourage our boys to be forthcoming in their dialogue to teachers and parents about their ideas for the future and we are eager to work together to best accommodate these ambitions.

Tasmanian Young Achiever Award

Congratulations to Learning Support Officer, Jamie Graham-Blair, who has won the Dental South First Nations Peoples Achievement Award in the Tasmanian Young Achiever Award ceremony. We are incredibly proud of your achievements and dedication to support First Nations education and truth-telling curriculum at the College.


Best wishes for the week ahead.


Daniel Lapolla

Acting Principal