

It can sometimes feel challenging for parents to raise happy, healthy and resilient children and teens. What can help our families and schools is up-to-date resources aimed at providing information on key topics that relate to parenting and the well-being of our children.


SchoolTV has partnered with Lockleys North Primary School to deliver ongoing support to our parent and teacher community. The SchoolTV platform is vital as part of a whole-school approach to student well-being and is now available to our parents and families. 


Each topic or edition addresses key issues using brief interviews with expert specialists, fact sheets, parent quizzes, recommended apps, books and much more.


SchoolTV streamlines and brings together information from many reputable sources such as ReachOut and BeyondBlue, the Australian Psychological Society, Nutrition Australia, Headspace and eSafety Commission. This provides a very reliable and accessible resource, saving parents time and confusion searching online across multiple sites.


Please click on this link to access SchoolTV. 


As part of our launch, we would like to bring your attention to the topic: Friendship & Belonging

'It is not always easy for children and teenagers to always know how to manage friendships. Learning how to make new friends and keep them involves a number of skills every young person needs to understand and develop. For some these skills will come very naturally, allowing them to easily move between different friendship groups, sharing their experiences and opening up to new people. For others, this can be much harder to navigate. 


Belonging to a group that is like-minded with similar interests is highly beneficial to a child’s well-being. Friendships are full of ups and downs and it is better for kids to learn how to manage and build their own friendships, even though as an adult carer you may be tempted to interfere.'


We hope that you find this topic useful and we look forward to showcasing a different topic each fortnight in the school newsletter. 

We welcome parent engagement and your feedback.