Upcoming Events &  Principal's Report 

Dates to Remember


TONIGHT - P&F Meeting 7:30pm Staff Rm

Thursday 12th     NAPLAN  -  Year 3 & 5

Monday 16th      Yr 5/6 Family Life

                                  Student Session 3

Wedneday 18th   Adam Wallace Visits

Tuesday 24th    Yr 5 Camp Departs

Wednesday 25th   District Cross Country

Friday 27th       Yr 5 Camp Returns



Monday 6th    Yr 6 Camp Departs

Friday 10th     Yr 6 Camp Returns

Monday 13th    QUEENS BIRTHDAY PUBLIC                                   HOLIDAY  -  NO SCHOOL

Friday 24th     Yr 3 Cultural Infusion Incursion

          LAST DAY OF TERM 2 - 2:30pm FINISH

Curriculum Days 2016

  • Friday 15th July
  • Monday 29th August
  • Monday 31st October

Term Dates 2016

Term 1

28th January to 24th March - 2:30pm finish

Term 2

11th April to 24th June - 2:30pm finish

Term 3

11th July to 16th September - 2:30pm finish

Term 4

3rd October to 20th December-1:30pm finish

Public Holidays 2016

  • Tuesday 26th January - Australia Day
  • Monday 14th March - Labour Day
  • Friday 25th March - Good Friday
  • Monday 28th March - Easter Monday
  • Monday 25th April - Anzac Day
  • Monday 13th June - Queens Birthday
  • Tuesday 1st November - Melbourne Cup
  • Sunday 25th December - Christmas Day

Prep Enrolment 2017 School Tours

  • Monday 9th May
  • Monday 23rd May
  • Friday 17th June
  • Monday 18th July
  • Friday 29th July
  • Monday 8th August
  • Monday 22nd August

All School Tours begin at 9:30am. Please meet at the School Office off Murray Road no earlier than 5 minutes prior to the tour. 

School Communication Links





COMPASS Parent Portal


Principal's Report

Volunteers Needed

Timber Surrounds for the Play Equipment Areas  -  A Facilities Development Project

Following the notification of plans for this outdoor project I was pleased be contacted by a small number of parents with skills and energy to contribute to this initiative. A few more people are needed to assist and make this project a reality.


The ongoing improvement of the school grounds is a key focus of the School Council and the Facilities & Environment Sub-committee. This year the Facilities & Environment Sub-committee is seeking the involvement and support of skilled and enthusiastic volunteers from within the Ormond community. It is envisaged that trade-focussed parents would lead, advise and work with a project work force comprised of parents and the principal. This project is aimed at creating timber edging/low seating around the existing play areas under the oak trees and gum trees. As well as creating some much needed passive seating areas, the edging will more effectively contain the soft, under equipment playground mulch. This will mean that all future working bees will not be totally taken up with shovelling the mulch back under the equipment. If you are interested in being involved in these works please let me know by email at: butler.glenn.d@edumail.vic.gov.au


Mathematics Evening Success

Thank you to Lorraine Bell and all of the teachers for conducting such a wonderful Family Mathematics Evening as part of our Education Week celebrations. The engaging activities were a real hit with students and their parents and exemplify our approach to teaching mathematics. Education Week across Victoria will be from the 15th – 21st of May with a focus on Technology in Schools.


NAPLAN Testing

This week Year 3 and 5 students are involved in NAPLAN testing. So far students have completed the Writing, Language Conventions and Reading papers. The Numeracy test will take place on Thursday 12th of May. I congratulate all students for the manner in which they have accepted the challenge of these formalised tests.


Reports on Compass

Many Year 6 parents will find that a copy of their child's Year 5 reports will be required for their secondary school applications. These reports are available for you to download/print and save at home through the Compass Parent Portal.


As Semester One reports for 2016 will be completed in the coming weeks it is a timely reminder for allparents to ensure that they take the time to save & print all of their child's reports for their own records once they are made available on Compass. This is strongly recommended, particulary for Year 6 parents as once a student has exited or completed their schooling at Ormond Primary School, parents will no longer have access to Compass to obtain them at a later date.


Parent Teacher Interviews - Booked through Compass

End of Semester 1 Parent/Teacher interviews will held on Monday 20th June 3:40 - 7:00pm and Tuesday 21st June 3:40 - 6:00pm. Bookings with your child's teacher for these interviews can only be done through the Compass Parent Portal. Access to the bookings will be made available as of Monday 13th June. 


Healthy Children

Now we are heading into the cooler months of the year, illness's will inevitably be on the increase. I would like to take this opportunity to ask parents to promote healthy hygiene practices at home and at school to minimize the spread of infections. If your child has any illness or complains of symptoms of being unwell, please keep them at home and inform the office of their absence, or enter the absence directly into the Compass Parent Portal.


Students are also encouraged to dress appropriately for the weather conditions each day.  It is recommended that all students bring a school jumper with them to allow for changing weather conditions. 


Free Carpet Available

The school has replaced some high quality carpet with vinyl in Atrium upstairs in the 2011 Building. We have four pieces of carpet that would be suitable for a home or holiday house. Each of the pieces is approximately 2.6 metres by 3 metres and all are currently awaiting pickup by the first person to accept them. Please contact Brodie at the front office or on 9578 1327.


Glenn Butler
