This week marks the completion of classes for our class of 2017. Our senior VCAL students can look forward to strong job prospects, while our VCE students will enter an intense period of exams over the next few weeks. I wish them all the best of luck in their endeavours.

While we can thank the Year 12 teachers for their dedication and hard work with the class of 2017, the whole school can celebrate the achievements of our Year 12 students. They are the product of many years of teaching and input from the staff across all of the year levels, many as far back as year 7. When we celebrate their final day we do so as a whole school and we can all be proud of our input into the development of every student. I know our staff will find the experience a very rewarding one and, at times, an emotional occasion since they all want to see our students succeed in whatever pathways they select.

While we celebrate the achievements of the class of 2017, we should not underestimate the personal journey of every student. Each individual will have experienced unique difficulties and challenges during their time in secondary school, and it will make their achievement even more significant. Our students will have developed the skills and resilience to overcome a range of challenges, and they will have become better prepared for the life they will encounter once they complete their schooling.

So while we acknowledge the achievements of our class of 2017, let us never forget that this is a celebration for our entire school community. Enjoy the occasion and be reminded of why we are all involved in such fulfilling work




John Jovic






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