He Is Risen!
Easter is not just a weekend, it’s a whole season! This week we begin the glorious season of Easter. It begins on Easter Sunday and runs through to Pentecost, seven weeks in duration- 50 days. The season is so important, the colour gold or white is used during this time to signify the glory of the Lord and our joy in the resurrection. It is a time when we, as a Church, focus on the promises of Jesus to save us from evil and be with us in our lives. It’s really a non-stop party rejoicing in our salvation! Once again we can cry out with joy, ‘Alleluia!’
The Paschal or Easter Candle is lit from the bright, blazing Easter fire. This new light symbolises Christ, risen from the darkness of death.
As we begin a new term let us focus on the light from the Easter Vigil . Through the light of Christ we may be able to see amazing possibilites and opportunites to grow in our relationships with one another.
Scripture Reading-
A reading from the book of Isaiah
No longer shall the sun be your light by day, Nor shall the brightness of the moon
give you light by night; Rather, the LORD will be your light forever, your God will be your glory.
Prayer Space
It is important that each homeroom creates a prayer space and engages in prayer during the day. Symbolic items placed near or around the space are very important, meaningful to the students and represent the liturgical time of the church. Symbols could include: a bible, a cross, candles and candle holder, a coloured prayer cloth or a place mat, a flower or a small vase of flowers or plants. Other symbols can represent what the students are currently learning. Please take the time to view the gallery of photos and see how the prayer spaces vary. As a family you may like to create a payer space at home.
Project Compassion
Thank you to all families for donating to Caritas Project Compassion. please bring in your donations to the office.