Principal's Report

Five Years On: Concord School Uniform Years 7-12

The end of Term 1 marks the five years since we introduced our new uniform for students in years 7 to 12 and it is perhaps timely to remind parents and staff of our rationale for the change of uniform.


 The previous uniform was casual, inconsistently worn by students, purchased from a variety of sources, allowed several styles and colour variations and wearing of this uniform was exceptionally difficult to monitor. It was essentially a primary school uniform.


 The group reviewing the uniform considered that a new uniform would assist in defining Concord School’s identity within the community; increase students sense of belonging; provide greater opportunity to build school spirit; assist in promoting a sense of equal opportunity and reinforce the perception of the school as an ordered, safe environment.


Importantly, we wanted to promote positive community perceptions of special schools. We have high learning and behaviour expectations of Concord School students and we also believe that they should dress just like other secondary students whether they be from Reservoir High, Loyola College or Mill Park Lakes SC.


After consultation with staff, parents, students and other schools we developed our current formal and sports uniforms. The response from students was extremely positive and comments such as “I now look like my brother does in the mornings” were typical. Furthermore, our students felt that when they were out in the community or travelling home on public transport they did not stand out as in the past.


To assist in the changeover we subsidised the first time purchase, we continue to make every effort to keep costs down and run the uniform shop at a financial loss rather than charge our own mark up. We have enjoyed a very high level of compliance and we wish to thank all parents and carers who make the effort to send their child to school looking their best in the correct uniform.

Principal's Award

The principal's award goes to Jake.


Jake is a happy and caring student who has made many new friends in Upper Primary.  He is a bit of a joker and always comes to school with a smile on his face. Jake’s positive attitude and his eagerness to learn makes him an excellent role model to all students.  Jake enjoys helping others and can be  relied on to assist others in need. Jake is Upper Primary’s ‘tray’ monitor and enthusiastically carries out this duty each morning.


Jake particularly enjoys Maths and Music.  He gives everything his best effort and works hard all the time. 

Congratulations Jake!


"Students striving to be the best they can be"

Colin Simpson

Acting Principal