The Aviso

Packing – Emily Dean, Year 7

Packing. The dreaded word, 

Causes more grief than when gunshots are heard.  

So simple, yet so hard. 

What people don’t realise is that there is a process that comes with packing. 

A process that must be followed with precision. 

There’s the did I pack it? Should I grab it? Will I need it? Should it be there? Is it on the top or is it on the bottom? 

I’ll have to unpack to make sure I’ve got ‘em. Argh!! 

Packing is hard I know it’s a struggle,  

Follow a system and you won’t get muddled. 

On a table lay all that you’ve got, 

Use a list to see if you need it or not. 

Fold your garments right on the line, 

Then place them in your bag one at a time. 

You’ve packed your bag! 

Good job, yes you! 

Now I’ll go pack my bag cause I’m coming too. 

Aanya Ranjan-7C2