News from our Classrooms

Year 1/2 News

The students have been very engaged in our Inquiry - “How Can I Learn About Other People's Lives and Why Does It Matter?”  They  visited Mother Teresa Primary School in Mt Ridley and learnt about their culture, history, faith and their environment.  Students will be investigating how the culture of St Fidelis is the same and different and how we can improve our culture.


In Literacy, the students are learning about the structure and features of procedural texts.


In Numeracy, they have been exploring 3-dimensional objects in the environment.  They have been naming their properties and making various objects.


In Religion, the students are learning about forgiveness through the parable of the Good Samaritan and the parable of the Prodigal Son.  

Year 3/4 News

Time flies when you’re having fun! Even though this year is slowly coming to an end, we are full steam ahead with finishing our learning on time.


Last Thursday we participated and ran our weekly prayer service in the hall, where we focused on the Aboriginal culture and explained to the community the meaning behind the ‘Message Stick’. We have been learning about Australia’s history and how the history of Australia really began around 60,000 years ago with the original custodians of the land, the Indigenous people.


As learners we have been discovering the impact the British settlement had on the Aboriginal people and we have been looking into how we can truly restore this relationship. During our research we came across an Aboriginal artefact in our own school. What we realised was, that we had absolutely no idea what this artefact was and its importance to our school. So we decided to investigate…


Come and attend our prayer service this Thursday where we will share what we found out!

Year 5/6 News

The 5/6 students are continuing to learn well and make good choices in following the agreed ways in the classroom and on the playground.


On Friday the 22nd, the students who ran the Christmas market stalls of Santa's Photos, Guessing Games, Santa Stockings and Scrunchies had an enjoyable and very successful experience. 


We have many fun events coming up over the coming weeks including the Year 6 excursion to Bounce on December the 4th, Christmas carols on December the 5th and the Year 6 Graduation on Saturday the 14th, beginning with the 5:30pm Mass.


This Friday, is 5/6TF's assembly which will be a look back at the Year 6's time at St Fidelis and a celebration of the 5/6 learning of 2019. It would be terrific if parents could attend.