Year Six
Term One
In term 1 the year 6 students have studies the film text ‘Bridge to Terabithia’ using several different strategies, with a focus on setting, plot and film techniques. Students had to write a detailed character profile and provide evidence of different film techniques used to develop character.
In Maths the students worked on Number and Algebra looking at different strategies in the four operations. They also explored different number patterns and being able to explain a rule to continue a pattern. The principles factors and multiples were revised and practiced through a variety of number games and challenges.
Our Inquiry unit in term 1 was 'Five Mile Creek’ Students used a range of different skills linking to curriculum areas including Economics, Geography, Maths and English. It involved the students becoming town planners who are in charge of planning a new estate in Five Mile Creek. The students also took on a character within the town and were randomly assigned a set of life ‘situations’ (job, family, assets). They then had to go through the process of applying for a loan to buy a house in their estate in Five Mile Creek, design that home and furnish/decorate their homes.
The students presented all their work from Five Mile Creek at our celebration night at the end of the term 1. They all did a fantastic job of explaining their work and playing the role of their characters.
Term Two
In Maths students have worked on fractions looking at equivalent fractions and adding and subtracting fraction. Students have also explored the topic of shape looking at what makes a pyramid and prism. The students used their iPads to create some great films about shapes around our school and to also explain different parts of a 3D shape.
Our Inquiry unit in term 2 was History and Ports.
Students used a range of research skills to explore why Australia Federated and how this has had an effect on Australia.
Term Three
Term 3 has been a wonderful success for the grade 6’s. We have able to learn many things during very creative sessions. Some of the major projects we have participated in are the Potato Olympics and the News Broadcast.
As the Rio Olympics stormed ahead, the Year 6’s have had some festive fun by running their own Olympics. Students were able to choose their own potato and decorate it to their own taste and decide which country they wanted to represent. Some of the activities included were long jump, golf, cross country and synchronised swimming. We ended this brilliant project with a closing ceremony on the same day as the Rio Olympics closing ceremony.
In English this term, the grade 6’s have been developing their skills by writing news articles. Their knowledge of the structure of a news report, has been tested in a group project of making a news broadcast. Students had to take on multiple roles such as news reader, director and teleprompter to complete this challenging task. Students were able to produce some amazing results.
The focus of this terms Science Unit has been Chemistry. Students have participated in fun experiments such as the milk and detergent experiment. We also learnt about different types of energy like thermal, chemical, nuclear, electrical and kinetic energy. Students participated in alternating sessions between theory and lab experiments.
Term 3 has been and overall awesome term for the Grade 6’s and we have had many opportunities to learn multiple things. This term has definitely been very educating and enjoyable.
By Angela R and Amaya L
Term Four
The grade six cohort have had a wonderful term four. It's been jam packed with
learning as the students prepared or grade seven. The students participated in
many enjoyable projects like Science Fair, the Boy Overboard project and making
our own family feud.
This terms English focus has been a series of assessment tasks relating to the
book Boy Overboard which is written by the famous author Morris Gleitzman .
These assessment tasks consisted of character profiles, news reports,
comparisons and descriptions. All students were able to produce amazing work to
high standards. Some selected students were chosen to trial write an essay to
compare with year seven standards.
In Inquiry this term Grade sixes have focused on electricity and energy conversion.
The Science fair was held on Tuesday 22nd of November and the grade 6 students
presented their creative projects. The aim of this project was to show that electricity
can be formed by converting and transforming energy.
Another main project that the Grade sixes have worked on is making their own
family feud games in Maths. Students were put into small groups and they
surveyed various year levels. We used the data collected to figure out the most
popular answers which would then be the top answers for the game.
All in all, Term 4 has been a blast for the Grade sixes. It has been a wonderful end
to the year with Term 4 being one of the best. All students have now been prepared
to enter high school next year.
By Amaya & Angela