Amazing Authors
Term One
The Amazing Authors are back again in 2016! This is our second week of Amazing Authors and we are so excited that we have new people in our group and new ideas popping out of everyone’s brains!!!! We are all getting along and working hard as a team.
Maria is the teacher who is leading the Amazing Authors and she writes and tells great stories. Maria has talked to us about enhancing our writing and working in the “Zone of Proximal Development”. This zone means we are working at and beyond our expected year levels. Maria is loving all the work she is seeing and she tells us all the time that we are brilliant!
We have talked and shared our ideas about what good writers do. We came up with a list of great story openers and story endings, and we discussed narrative writing and began creating our first writing piece.
We are loving Amazing Authors so far because it is fun and it is giving us unique ideas. We are glad we are all together and we can’t wait for the rest of year.
Katie, Natasha, Maddison, Olivia, Jesse, Alannah (Amazing Authors)
Term Two
My name is Olivia and I am a Year 3 Amazing Author.
This term in Amazing Authors we have been doing some AMAZING activities.
We have been working hard to enhance and upgrade our writing.
I have enjoyed doing lots of things but I have mostly enjoyed writing new stories and publishing them in book creator on our iPads. We wrote a story about a bully that never got into trouble and can I just say it didn’t end well for the bully.
We also did lots of writing sprints to help with our creative ideas and have continued to work on improving our grammar and speech marks in our writing.
Our Amazing Authors BLOG is now up and we have begun posting stories to share.
In Amazing Authors I am mostly looking forward to writing more stories and doing more fun activities.
By Olivia K
Term Three
WOW! Term 3 is nearly over and we have had a great time in Amazing Authors. We have been writing FANTASTIC pieces about Mythical Creatures and incursions we have been having this term.
The Blog has been up and running and our school has been loving all our stories we have been posting. Whenever it’s a rainy day or your just bored come see our AMAZING stories here Mia, Benita and Eliza have been running the blog. They have been posting stories and editing our OUTRAGEOUS pieces we have done.
We have lately been writing about a Mythical Creature and drawing it. Some people just have amazing minds and think of great ways to set it out. The options were Medusa, Chimera and Manatore. These creatures have been selected by simply grabbing two animals and making them one. We worked on it for about a week. Our Amazing Authors have been really enjoying the work we have done and Maria (the beautiful one who came up with this) has really enjoyed our writing and is very proud.
Sadly, Term 4 is coming our way and we have to learn new things and really make the most of it. One week left and we have to look at our Learning Goals to see if we have achieved them. Maria always reminds us to work in the “Zone” so we can achieve our best all the time. Our Amazing Authors are very happy to have Maria as our teacher.
By Sara J
Term Four
Amazing Authors Ezine Report
This term, in Amazing Authors we have all been working very hard to get all our work finished before the end of the year. We have written many fiction stories and also some recounts highlighting special events during Term 4.
One of the recounts we have written about was the Fiddlesticks Performance we had at our school. We have completed a range of non-fiction stories including Life on Another Planet, The Wooden Dragon, The Day I Met a Dragon and various adventure stories.
We have all been working very hard to get our stories written up into our books so we can conference with Maria. When stories are completed we then need to airdrop them to either Maria, Benita, Mia or Eliza (our blog team) so they can get uploaded onto the blog:
The blog team have been working very hard to get all of our writing pieces on the blog. The Blog Team often stay inside at recess and lunch so they can get all of the pieces on the blog. Well done, Benita, Eliza and Mia!
All the Amazing Authors are very pleased with their work and are very proud to have their work on the blog.
By Charlotte A