Fast Track - Sports Academy
Term One
Students completed a variety of fitness testing including beep test, speed, agility and strength testing. As well us completing a variety of fitness sessions students also focused on invasion games and understanding the key principles and how they relate to their chosen sport. In the before school sessions students how to use the fitness gym safely and participated in a variety of fitness training activities.
Term Two
Students had a focus on increasing their aerobic fitness in order to not only improve their sport performance but to also compete in cross country. We had some excellent results with Taj, P, Finnen H, Nathan D, Josh C and Jack H making it through to NMR.
Year one Essendon Football Club
Students participated in a nutrition and leadership seminar as well as touring the training facilities and completing a training session with some of the players.
Semester Two
Year 5-9 Fast Track students have been involved in a fantastic program in 2017. Students have participated in a variety of fitness testing throughout the year and have developed their own personal fitness plans. Students attended before and after school sessions and have been provided with specific coaching in skill development and strength and conditioning areas. Students continued to focus on their chosen sport have concentrated on playing a variety invasion sports, striking and fielding games and specialised sport training in basketball or football codes.
Students across year 5-9 have participated in a number of excursions throughout the year including
Year 5 / 6 – Epping Leisure City and the school Cross Country team.
Year 7 – Essendon Football Club “On the Ball” program, Victorian Institute of Sport, Mill Park YMCA, Spin Fit cycling fitness sessions and the school Cross Country team.
Year 8/9 – Melbourne United Basketball clinics, Collingwood Football Clun Leadership Development, Victorian Institute of Sport, Love Me Love You mental health awareness, Mill Park YMCA, Spin Fit cycling and fitness sessions and the school Cross Country team.
Fast Track students were also fortunate to have two Australian Olympic athletes who competed at the Rio games from the Victorian Institute of Sport come and present to year 8/9 Fast Track students. Bronze medalist in Archery Alec Potts and champion weight lifter Simplice Ribouem. The athletes discussed their journey to Rio and the importance of physical preparation, recovery, mental preparation and nutrition.