Principal's Report
10 Years of Learning
‘Inspiring’ is how I would describe 2016 @ The Lakes. Ten years of learning in an amazing community was peppered with a range of firsts; not bad I would argue. Our unique polo shirts, featuring our school logo, were a hit to start the year and we sincerely thank our long term sponsors and supporters for their interest in this project.
For those new to our school, the leaf represents the river gum, native to the area, with seven protected trees on the Middle Years campus, while the waves represent the waterways throughout our estate. The logo was designed by Andrew Hayley, a designer from St Andrews.
Firsts on Early Years include our amazing playgroup, led by Maria and an awesome group of mums/grandmas, who have relished the opportunity to share, explore and build both curiosity and relationships together.
The Prep discovery program and the "Making Music" group have built community and shared the skills of the super talented staff with our next generation of learners. Thank you Tim and Leah.
A joint project with Merriang SDS to produce an inspiring video, together with the crossover with Mike Larkin, emphasises the dynamic and inclusive learning environment we share. Kitty and Laura M are to be congratulated.
On the Middle Years, the academies continued to grow, while SANE extended into the secondary program for the first time. The MAD dance troupe represented our State at Nationals and SANE collaborated with Scienceworks to present our drone project at an international conference.
To preserve our past and continue to create a tradition, honour boards where launched to recognise a range of sporting achievements. These will be displayed in the new cabinets in the gym. Boards, recognizing our original staff members and our staff 10 years on, were also unveiled.
My personal highlight was the magnificent whole school production "From Little Things Bigger Things Grow - a Ten Year Tale". While sharing many significant events and highlights of our journey to date, it was an absolute reflection of the quality learning community we have - not a village but truly a ‘ginormous’ family’ where everyone works together", to quote from one of the songs. As for the Auslan Signing team – sensational.
I am humbled and proud to have the privilege to be the "big chief", the “boss”, the educational leader of The Lakes. I urge you to take the time to listen to the lyrics of our songs - they very much tell the tale of the roller coaster journey from 2007 till now.
My professional highlight was when my manager shared with me the fact that the students at The Lakes’ growth rate in reading and writing has outperformed any other school in the City of Whittlesea. This is the best validation we can have that the model of learning used in our school is working. To have such validation at this level confirms and celebrates the teaching, the opportunities created and the empowering of our students to be curious and creative while accepting the challenges to aim high, take risks and dream big.
In closing, I would like to acknowledge my incredible team, Bill, Warren and Chris, for their unwavering belief and commitment to our community, our wonderful support staff, teachers, families and students who all make each day an exciting and challenging adventure.
Please enjoy the well earned break, be safe and return to us kicking the 2017 year off with a birthday celebration - cake, balloons and a family picnic/ BBQ on Friday, 3rd February.
Your Principal