What makes you different?

Work experience


Each year thousands of students graduate from high school. In doing so they have demonstrated that they can complete set tasks, research and write assignments, work individually and as a part of the group and make presentations in class. So what makes you stand out from the crowd? Why would an employer notice you above everyone else? That’s where work experience comes in.

As a student, work experience is one of the most valuable activities that you can do to support your career development. Employability skills are developed and these skills are crucial for all job seekers. It is vital that young, inexperienced job seekers who have yet to attain technical skills and qualifications are able to demonstrate their employability skills to employers.

In order to stand out you have to show that you are work ready and employable. The more experience you have the better and the more skills you develop (and put into your resume) during your work experience the better. A recent employer’s survey revealed that employers believe work experience or volunteer work to be an effective means for school students to improve their employment prospects.

In view of these outcomes, in 2016 a Mandatory Work Experience program was devised for our Year 10 students. During Week 9, 187 Year 10 students participated in and many of them enjoyed their work experience opportunity.

Our students gained multiple benefits from this program including the development of work ready skills and learning about the world of work and workplace expectations. A completed ‘Employers Report’ and a ‘Certificate of Participation’ will be issued to each participant to add as evidence of this experience which needs to be filed in their Career Interview Portfolio.


Year 10 staff members who contacted and visited employers commented that many of our students demonstrated commitment to work and good overall employability skills.

Thank you to the Careers team, Year 10 Deputy Principal, Year Advisers and staff for their contribution and collaboration in the delivery of a successful Mandatory Work Experience program delivered to our students at Cecil Hills High School for the first time.

Mrs M Reid

Careers Adviser