
Manuela Watson

WEEK 1 2020

Welcome Back


Dear Parent and Carers,


Welcome back to the 2020 school year. I hope you all had a relaxing break and plenty of fun with friends and family. Unfortunately, this summer we saw parts of Australia ravaged by fire in ways we have never seen before.  These catastrophes bring out the best and the worst in people as we have seen and read many examples of this over the summer months.


Over the past two days, the teachers have spent time reflecting and in dialogue about these bushfires. We have discussed and planned learning experiences to manage the students' questions and wonderings about the bushfires. As teachers and a true inquiry school, we must listen to our students as they share their wonderings and questions and ask ourselves “What does this reveal to me?” and  “Where might I need to take my students next”?   Through these inquiry conversations the students will no doubt lead us to authentic actions that we as a community can undertake to contribute to the bushfires. I look forward to listening to the students' ideas for actions that we can engage in to support the bushfire appeals in the coming weeks.


We are all looking forward to seeing the students and families tomorrow morning.





Novel coronavirus

Please read the following letter from Dr Paul Sharkey, Acting Executive Director from Catholic Education Commission of Victoria to all schools about the novel coronavirus.


Dear Principal,

You will be aware of the emerging outbreak of novel coronavirus. Cases have been reported predominantly in the city of Wuhan, in the Hubei province of China, as well as in other Chinese cities and in other countries, including at least one confirmed case at the time of writing in Victoria, Australia.

The Australian Government has advised that there is no cause for alarm with respect to the coronavirus and that the risk to the Australian public remains relatively low.


The Catholic Education Commission of Victoria Ltd (CECV) has consulted with the Department of Education and Training, which, in collaboration with Victoria’s Chief Health Officer and Department of Health and Human Services, has provided the following advice to schools and local communities:

Remind your staff and students that everyone can protect against infections by practising good hand hygiene and respiratory hygiene. Cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing with a tissue, or cough into your elbow, dispose of the tissue into a bin and then wash your hands afterwards. Wash your hands regularly, after using the toilet, and before eating.


Health promotion materials are available to distribute and promote to your staff, students and families:

If you are an International Student Program school, work closely with your homestay families who are hosting international students from Wuhan or other areas where the virus has been reported so that they are assured of the relatively low risk and know to seek medical advice where appropriate. For information you may wish to provide to your homestay families, see Information for the public – novel coronavirus.


Exclusion of well children or staff from school who have travelled to Wuhan, China, or any other areas where there have been reported cases is NOT required, unless the following applies:

  • the person is a confirmed case of novel coronavirus; or
  • the person has been in close contact with a confirmed case of novel coronavirus in the past 14 days.

If you think a student or staff member may meet one of the above criteria, please contact the Department of Health and Human Services to discuss further actions via phone at 1300 651 160. Please also inform your Diocesan Emergency Management Officer.


For staff and students who experience flu-like symptoms AND have recently travelled to Wuhan, Hubei province, or had close contact with a confirmed case:

  • seek medical advice for any staff or students in your care who experience fever and respiratory symptoms (including but not limited to cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, body aches or fatigue) AND have recently travelled to Wuhan or had close contact with a confirmed case in the 14 days before the onset of illness. Call ahead to notify the medical practitioner of recent travel; and
  • contact the Department of Health and Human Services on 1300 651 160 and inform your Diocesan Emergency Management Officer.

The Department of Health and Human Services has developed a factsheet for schools: Novel coronavirus – Factsheet for schools and early learning centres.


We will also provide you with further information if the situation changes.


If you have any further queries please contact your Diocesan Emergency Management Officer.


Yours sincerely

Dr Paul Sharkey

Acting Executive Director