Church News 

All Welcome - Services at St Paul

All are welcome to join us on Sunday for worship. Worship times are 8.30am Traditional and 10.00am Contemporary Services with Godly Play for Primary School aged children. Tea and Coffee and a time of gathering is held most weeks after both worship services.

Playgroup @ St Paul

 Playgroup @St Paul is on each Tuesday in the Hall. Join us for a coffee, playtime, story time and songs  from 9-10.30 each week during term. Cost is $2. For more details contact Nicole Hall 0412686342. In week 4 this term we will be reading ‘Think Big’’ by Kes Gray and Nathan Reed and playing with some other Nursery Rhyme friends. 


St Paul Youth for young people in Years 6/7/8 is held on the 1st and 3rd Friday of the month during school terms. Meeting at the Church Hall. Runs from 7-9pm. Cost $2. Join Renate, Tom and Nicole for some games, conversation about faith, and food. Term 2 Dates are:

Friday 20th May – Boys on Supper

Friday 3rd June – Girls on Supper

Friday 17th June – Boys on Supper.

Pasty Bakes

Pasty Bakes are back! It's that time of the year to put your orders in to make sure you don't miss out! Our first bake is Thursday 26th May. Please contact Renate on 0405 433 030 with your order by Wednesday 25th May. Orders are $15 for a tray of 6 and can be collected and paid for on Thursday at the hall kitchen. 

Grow Together

Grow Together is a quarterly publication produced by the Lutheran Church of Australia for households to assist with faith formation.  This Term it includes an article about sharing faith with your 3-7 year old. It is now produced electronically and you can find your copy here.

Growing Faith at Home

This week at worship in the Gospel we heard John 13:31-35 where Jesus gave his followers a new commandment.


Talk together as a household about what makes one another feel most loved (e.g. a hug, an act of service, a kind word or note, a gift).

You might like to write up a list of these for each person and put them on the fridge. Focus this week on performing acts of love towards one another.


You can find other church news and our full Growing faith at home resource on the St Paul Lutheran Church website here