Sustainability Captains Introduction

Sustainability Captains Introduction



G’day, welcome to the St Joseph Newsletter. My name is Rupert Wiggins, one of the 6 Sustainability and Social Justice Captains. I’ve loved animals since I was born, from Platypus to Wombats, Wombats to Sharks, and my love for them is unbreakable. When I was in year 3, I started realising what every species was going through. And almost all of the problems they have is because of us; humans. 

The Social Justice and Sustainability captains are doing a LOT to make St Joseph's more of an Eco Friendly school.  



Greetings all readers, my name is Giles Catalan, one of the 6 Social Justice and Sustainability captains. I am really passionate about stopping the climate crisis and pollution, ever since I heard about how we need to halve our global emissions by 2030 otherwise our effect on the planet will be irreversible, I made it my objective to spread awareness on this topic. I hate NFTs, why you may ask, because the transactions of crypto require mass amounts of energy to actually complete it. Humans are the only creatures on this planet that can change the world quickly and effectively, that is why we must change our ways. A topic I enjoy is evaluating statements and research online, I also love Penguins but not Adelie Penguins.



Hi everybody, my name is Daniel Carroll and I’m one of the St Joseph’s Sustainability & Social Justice Captains for 2022, who will be helping with making our school more sustainable and resource smart. We have a lot of goals for what we want to accomplish this year, but we’ll talk more about those another time. Today I’m talking about me, the boy who’s goal in life has always been to protect planet Earth from human destruction (and who has a weird obsession with potatoes). Obviously, that's why I put down Sustainability & Social Justice on my chosen captaincy roles list… um, not the potato part, the first part. Other things things about me: My love for all birds, as well as meerkats.



Welcome to the Sustainability and social justice newsletter. My name is Henry, I’m one of the six sustainability and social justice captains. Here at St Joseph we are trying to make a resource friendly school. We are doing as much as we possibly can to reach this goal as fast as possible.



Hi, my name is Benji. I am here to tell you about our job as sustainability captains. We look after all the environmental things in the school. Things like the school, the village, the trash and the secret garden.