Year 6 Parent Information Term 2


Year 6 Parent Information Newsletter

Welcome to Term 2! We have already started the term on a high, having come back from camp in one piece, with wonderful lasting memories. The students were fantastic during the 3 days away, and the staff were collectively impressed with their enthusiasm and resilience - especially during the constant rain we experienced!


It has been wonderful to settle back into the routines we had established in Term 1, and the students will continue to develop their independence, initiative and organisation as the year progresses. 

Please take note of the important dates occurring in Term 2:



Friday 13th May Dendy District Cross Country
Friday 20th MayConfirmation Retreat Day 
Wednesday 25th May Confirmation Mass 7-8pm 
Wednesday 1st June Italian Day 
Friday 3rd June Dental Forms Back
Wednesday 8th June Cyber Safety Parent Info Night 6.30-8pm
Thursday 9th June School Closure Day (Staff Conference)
Friday 10th June School Closure Day (Staff Conference)
Monday 13th June Queen’s Birthday public holiday 
Friday 24th June 

Friendship Fair Day

Last day of term 





Students will continue to engage in a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts throughout whole class and small group scenarios, to further develop the students’ comprehension and analysis skills. This term the Year 6 students will begin Literature Circles and have presently begun preparing to commence this program in the coming weeks.. The Year 6 students will be required to complete their independent reading outside of school hours each week, and ensure this is completed before their weekly meeting. 



This term we will revise persuasive and narrative texts and continue to build the students skills and knowledge in writing through explicit and focused teaching. Students will develop note taking skills in order to collect information and present this in their own words within the structure of an information report. We will continue to emphasise the importance of spelling, grammar, punctuation and the presentation of the student’s writing. 



In Term 2, students will be provided with many opportunities to explore the following topics, using a range of relevant and open-ended learning experiences: 

  • Number & Algebra: Multiplication and Division 
  • Measurement & Geometry: 2D shapes and Angles
  • Number & Algebra: Fractions and Decimals
  • Number & Algebra: Number patterns and BODMAS
  • Measurement & Geometry: Area


Please continue to encourage your child to review their multiplication and division facts to ensure they have immediate recall. 



Our school focus in Religious Education for Term 2 is as follows:

Confirmation: The students continue to prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation through the exploration and analysis of scripture, and the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit. Students are currently researching a Saint that they have chosen to take as their Confirmation name, and these will be presented in class to their peers. 


In the later part of the term, the students will be focusing on God, Religion and Life, by reflecting on their faith and the ways in which God is present to them throughout their everyday life. 



Inquiry Topic- Great Explorations!

Our topics are based on the Victorian Curriculum areas of Geography and the Ethical and Personal, and Social Capabilities


The guiding questions:

  • What makes our world so diverse?
  • How do places, people and cultures differ across the world?
  • How do people’s connections to places affect their perception of them?
  • How do people and environments influence one another?


We look forward to a great Term with the Year 6 students!


Kate Callinan

Clare Smith