
                           St Joseph’s Parish invites you to Alpha at school in Term 2!




Alpha is a great opportunity catch up with other parents and to explore faith in a relaxed space – something we all might like in this ‘new normal’!


In Term 2, at school, every Friday after assembly at 9.45 -11am, we’ll have coffee and cake, watch a short film and chat. 


All parents are invited to come, to mix and mingle and to see if it’s for you.


Millions of people worldwide have tried Alpha. Each week we will openly look at and discuss a different aspect of the Christian faith where you can say and ask what you really think – really!


Here at the school, Alpha is being run by parish members and St Joseph’s parents and we’d love you to join us. We hope to see you there!


For more info or to register your interest, please call or text:

Rosie: 0422 611 522

Heather: 0449 123 421