Wellbeing News 

Hello Parents/Guardians,


I am sure that many parents are aware of The Zones of Regulation.  These zones are often referred to at school to help children recognise their own feelings and work through strategies that support students to maintain or return to the green zone.

As students become more familiar with their own Zones of Regulations, the focus then shifts to using strategies such as deep breathing, going for a walk or listening to music to calm themselves when in the red, yellow or blue zone.

The Zones of Regulation also helps children become more aware of the feelings of others around them.  In recognising the feelings of others, children can learn how to react to the feelings of others.  When a friend is in the blue zone, students may need to speak quietly, give their friend some space or try to cheer them up.  When a friend is in the red zone, students may need to stay away and give their friend some space or even get an adult to help.


Understanding and working with the Zones of Regulations reflect our school values of respect, responsibility, resilience and safety. Having said this, our School Behaviour Map is currently being reviewed by staff and students, in light of our school values.  Parents will also have the opportunity to give feedback on the proposed Behaviour Map.  The aim of the new Behaviour Map is to ensure that all stakeholders are able to identify the behaviours and possible consequences - both positive and negative.  We look forward to receiving feedback from parents later this term.  Please keep an eye out.



Parent 2 Parent (P2P) is a support group for parents of St Anne’s who have a child at school with a diagnosis.  This is a wonderful opportunity for parents to meet each other, share stories and seek advice.  Upcoming event for Term 2 include Morning Cuppa with Janette Trento our school psychologist on Thursday 2nd June at 9:00am in the staffroom.


Passive Play

Last week, we introduced students to a new play zone - Passive Play.  This is set up in the undercover area for recess and lunch.  Within this area students can draw, read, play board games, build with blocks, play mums and dads along with cars.  This has been such a hit.  Some comments include

“I like it here, there is lots to do.”

“I like to draw with my friends.  We made pictures for our mums.”

“I can play with my friends.  We like the cars.”

“My friends play mums and dads.  I pretend to do the cooking.”