Principal's Message

Diverse ~ Accepting ~ Inclusive Community

Dear Parents and Guardians,


This week the College held a memorial service for College Life Governor, Dr Charles Butcher OAM.


The service honoured the efforts of a man who donated so much of his time and energy in steering the College during a time of great development and progress.


The heartfelt recollections from staff (past & present), students and colleagues was evidence of the esteem and fondness held for Charles. The Swag Chapel was the beautiful setting for this service and I wish to thank College Chaplain, Sarah Pollitt and all the staff and students who were involved in this poignant event.


Next week our Year 9s will be involved in either VET activities or the Creativity Camp and we wish them well and hope they gain greater insight with all they do.


Thank you and Be Kind Always, 



~ Mr Roger Herbert
