Classroom News

Preps with Ellen

Last week our Grade 5/6 buddies made math based board games to play with us.  The Preps were quite excited and throughly enjoyed learning the new games and were even lucky enough to take some special game pieces home.

We also made a worm farm each with our buddies help. From Ellen's homemade compost we were able to find worms and move them into their new home. We went foraging in our school garden to find leaf matter, dirt, and sand to make their new homes a worms dream come true. We have been learning about different bugs and insects and how they interact with our environment.

Lots to choose from
Lots to choose from

5/6 with Karen

Last Wednesday 5/6A made math based board games to play with their Prep buddies. They needed to be bright, fun, simple and engaging. It was wonderful to see their creative processes and the finished products are spectacular!

Tennis with Geoff

This week saw the conclusion of our tennis clinics with Geoff Holloway.  It's been a well recieved activity by the students and I'm sure it will be missed.  This week with the weather coming in Geoff set up some portable nets in our undercover area and with the bigger classes improvised with outdoor tables aswell. 

Thank you Geoff for your time and commitment.

4/5 with Kathryn

I’m a Mathematician

This term we have been learning how to have a positive mindset about maths. Maths is fun and we are all mathematicians; we use math every day in everything that we do. We have learned that a mathematician is someone who uses their imagination, predicts, shares ideas, looks for patterns, estimates, explains their answers, experiments, asks questions, solves problems and explores. A mathematician is someone just like you! We love challenging our minds when completing number talks and playing fun partner games at the start of our maths lessons. 

Here are some photos from our assembly presentation where we dressed up in special maths costumes and performed a wonderful ‘we are mathematicians’ class play. 

Maths Strategies Posters

This term in maths we have also been learning how to use a range of different strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems. Some strategies that we been learning how to use include counting on/back, adding the parts (breaking the number down into easier, more manageable amounts), partitioning (expanding the numbers into place values before adding/subtracting them), using an algorithm (setting the sum out vertically and solving down the place values... we always start at the right with the ones!), using a known fact, making a ten, and using doubles. We created posters so that we could teach each other how to use the strategy. 

We have also reviewed how to use number lines and 100s charts to find tricky answers, and how to apply mental strategies such as number facts to work out a problem in our heads.

We hope we have inspired you to love maths to: We are Mathematicians! 

3/4 and 4/5 Netball Clinic with Chaye