Music Notes

Harmonies for Harmony day: 23 March, 2021

We encourage all music students from Years 7 to 12 to perform! You can perform any kind of music. 


If you are interested in performing on Harmony Day, please contact Ms Bull or the Music Captains.

Friday Afternoon Soirees

Friday Afternoon Soirees will recommence Friday, March 19. The Soirees are held in PVC7 from 3.45 to 4.30pm. All KGS music, speech and drama students are welcome to perform, as well as students who attend external lessons.


All performances must be booked in, either by writing your name and details of your performance on the Friday afternoon soiree forms pinned up on the Notice Board in the Music building foyer, or by emailing Ms Carmel Slater (Head of Keyboard and Theory) at


Items should be no longer than 3 - 4 minutes, with a maximum of 12 items. Please contact Ms Slater for further information.

Jazz Cabaret Evening 

On Friday 26 March in Dalton Hall, we will be holding a Jazz Cabaret Evening including performances from our Senior musicians. Our Music Captain, Cindy Wu, Choral Captains, Matt O’Leary and Charlotte Glassel, Production Captain, Natasha Redlich, and Dance Captains, Sara Dorne and Kaitlyn Connolly, have been working hard to organise the event. 


Our talented students will be performing an array of musical, jazz and blues items. Due to COVID restrictions, the evening will be a little different to past years. 


The evening will commence at 7.00pm and conclude around 8.30pm. Please click on the trybooking link to book your seats (limit of two seats per family).

Instrumental Performance Night

In addition to the Jazz Cabaret, we are also having an Instrumental Performers' Concert on Tuesday 30 March in Dalton Hall, featuring our larger groups alongside VCE and selected soloists.  


Ensembles performing include the Concert Band, Celtic Band, Flute Ensemble, Chamber Strings, Stage Band and Kilvington Orchestra. Please click on the trybooking link to book your seats (limit of two seats per family). 

Michael Griffin Workshop

Matthew O’Leary, VCE Music Student & Choral Leader


On Wednesday 24 February, the VCE music students convened in PVC7 to listen to Michael Griffin about the importance of practice. With restrictions still in place, he connected with us online this year, but this did not limit the discussion surrounding our practice routines.


He probed into why some people are better at particular skills than others - and the main reasons were practice and motivation (amongst others). The cardinal point of this seminar was to vary our practice. 


Michael motivated us to find something 'novel', if the usual practice routine was either mundane or a little bit too easy. He invited us to look at deliberate practice (practising particular skills until we can do no wrong practising them).


All of us VCE music students thank Michael for the words of advice he gave us to ensure that we strive to be at our best this year. 

Matilda the Musical

Rehearsals for the Kilvington production have commenced.  All students have been working incredibly hard two nights after School each week. Performances will be May 13 - 15. 


Ticket details will be available soon. There will be a Sunday rehearsal this weekend in Dalton Hall commencing at 1.00pm.