From the Leadership Team

Chris Barr, Head of Junior School

It has been six weeks since I joined the Kilvington community as Head of Junior School, and I want to say a very big thank you to students, parents and staff for the way in which you have made me feel at home. 


There is one ingredient which I believe is vital for the success of a school and that ensures students feel cared for and confident - the understanding that education is a partnership. 


It is evident to me by the way staff, students and parents interact here at Kilvington, that this is something that the School and its community members value deeply as well. The importance of a successful partnership between home and school cannot be underestimated. 


From extensive research, we know that ‘children learn best when the significant adults in their lives - parents, teachers, and other family and community members - work together to encourage and support them' (Comer and Norris, 1997).

As you are aware, at Kilvington we are committed to creating an educational environment which values community, develops character, deeply cares for individuals, and at the same time, looks to help each and every student to be the very best they can be academically. 


As we continue to create this environment at School, we acknowledge that the home is equally, if not more important, to your child’s learning journey. Comer and Norris (1997) go onto say, ‘children don't stop learning about values and relationships when they enter a classroom, nor do they cease learning academics - and attitudes about learning - when they are at home or elsewhere in their community.’ 

Across the year, there are many opportunities for parents to play an active role in their child’s education. As we look to continue to build strong partnerships between home and school, we encourage our parents to engage in these opportunities as much as possible. 

Parent Teacher Interviews

Over the past few weeks, and by early next week, all parents will have had an opportunity to meet with their child’s teacher during Parent Teacher Interviews. These interviews give both parents and teachers a chance to acknowledge student growth, share possible areas for improvement, and identify ways to work together to support students. We hope these interviews were a wonderful way to engage in rich discussion about your child.  


We thank all the parents who made the time to attend these interviews, and hope that conversations between home and School continue across the year to ensure your child has a wonderful learning experience in 2021.

Staff news 

Congratulations to Eleanor Spzak and partner Ned on the news they are expecting their first child. Eleanor will leave us at the end of Term 2 to go on maternity leave. We wish Eleanor and Ned all the best.