
Mr Kieran O'Dwyer - Deputy Principal

It has been a pleasure to be able to welcome back our young men and women after their well-earned break. Our Year 7 and 12 students were warmly welcomed on Friday 5th February and spent the morning making connections and reconnecting before departing for their respective camps and retreats in the second week back. Both experiences provided deep learning experiences outside of the formal classroom.  With our Year 8 – 11 students joining us on Monday 8th February we were able to hold our Sub School Assemblies and spend time as a group identifying ways in which Mary MacKillop can continue to strive towards a high performing school that ensures a safe and respectful environment for all. Over the coming weeks each young person will be supported to set their personal goals for the year and encouraged to make the most of all opportunities presented at the College.  We recognise that the start of the year can be quite overwhelming for some young people. Please remember that there is no ‘right’ way to feel and everyone takes their own time to settle in. Homeroom Teachers, Sub School Wellbeing Teams and our College Counsellor are a wonderful resource and open to assisting in any way. We also wish to take this opportunity to explain the changes to our Wellbeing structure for 2021. This year our young people will be supported by:


Junior School

Director - Chris Spencer

Wellbeing Coordinator – Georgia Townley

Transition Coordinator – Claire Cassidy


Middle School

Director – Gerard Gordon

Wellbeing Coordinator – Richard Ogilvie

Assistant Wellbeing Coordinator – Sarah Roscoe-Smith


Senior School

Director – Bron Croatto

Wellbeing Coordinator – Cade Maskell


College Counsellors – Rhiannon Le Busque and Kate Hocken


This year at Mary MacKillop, we will continue to work on our initiatives that enhance wellbeing for learning at our College, as we dare to Take Ownership, Think Deeply, Make Connections and Be Courageous in all that we do, just as Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop has done before us.