Welcome to the 2021 school year.


A very warm welcome to our new students and families that have joined the St Joseph’s College community this year. We have had a positive start to the year with the Year 7, 8 and VCE students starting on Friday January 29, and the remaining year levels and VCAL students returning on Monday February 1. The Year 7 students completed a two-day induction program to familiarise themselves with the college and support their successful transition into secondary school. I would like to congratulate the Year 7 students on their ability to quickly adapt to their new secondary school environment. The beginning of secondary school can be an exciting time for many students, but it can also be challenging. We encourage students and families to keep in regular contact with the respective Homeroom teacher as concerns arise. A special thank you to our Year 7 staff and Mr Emmet Brown for their work in preparing and delivering this program.


The college celebrated the achievements of our 2020 Year 12 students, and Year 11 scholarship winners at the opening college assembly. Sacha Leslie, the 2020 College Dux, gave an inspiring reflection on her learning journey, the challenges of completing Year 12 through COVID and offered her wisdom on how to achieve success to the Years 10, 11 and 12 students. 


In the second week of term our Years 9, 10, 11 and 12 students participated in seminar days with Mr Chris Doyle and Ms Gen Bryant. It was great to see our Year 9 and 11 students have the courage to sing in front of their peers with Chris. The Year 8 students enjoyed their Wellbeing day where they participated in activities designed to enhance their physical and mental health.


The start of the year has not been without its challenges with the reintroduction of mask wearing followed by the brief return to remote learning. Our students and staff have already displayed great resilience and positivity to take the challenges in their stride and have maintained a positive mindset throughout. We were able to conduct our Year 7 and new student parent meetings via Zoom at short notice, and even though we were unable to gather together as a community for the Ash Wednesday Liturgy, we were able to quickly adapt and record a virtual version for everyone to enjoy.



All students were required to complete Student Learning Agreements. These agreements demonstrated the students’ commitment to accepting the high expectations that come with being a St Joseph’s College student with respect to the following areas: Attendance, Work Ethic, Administration, Pastoral Care, Ethos, Uniform and Conduct. The college places a high regard on the development of positive, respectful relationships between members of our college community. To assist in building these relationships we acknowledge the need for agreement from all involved to a set of expectations that enhance the behaviours, attitudes and values that underpin interactions within the college.



The college Uniform Policy is part of the Student Learning Agreement where students agree to ‘wear the uniform correctly at all times of the year, as per uniform guidelines and policy’.  I am pleased to report that the vast majority of students are wearing their uniform correctly and with pride. We also remind students and families of some updates to the uniform.


In 2021 the college has introduced school socks to the college uniform. These purple banded socks have improved the general look of the uniform, and also assisted our teachers to ensure the uniform is worn correctly. To ensure this was not a large financial burden for families, a packet of three socks was given complimentarily to our existing students in Years 8 to 12. We remind students that if they are in their PE uniform they are required to wear white socks that are above the ankle.

The college has also mandated that the school bag is a required part of the college uniform for all year levels. Our current Year 11 and 12 students were the only students that did not have the school bag. Again to ease the financial burden on families, these bags were provided complimentarily to existing students in Years 11 and 12. All students entering and exiting the college are required to have their college bag. 


While the uniform guidelines have not changed in relation to earrings, students are reminded that earrings are limited to small plain spherical gold/silver studs or sleepers for pierced ears (ear lobe only). No plastic, gemstones or pearls. Students are also not permitted to wear rings, or have coloured nail polish/nail extensions. We thank you for your support in keeping our school uniform one of our most distinctive and proud symbols. If you have any queries in relation to the uniform policy, please refer to the Uniform Policy and Guidelines on the college website.


We have had very positive feedback about the new laptops that have been distributed to Year 7, 9 to12 students this year. We remind students to ensure these laptops are safely stored in their carry cases when not in use to make sure damage does not occur. The college will also be offering complimentary satchel bags to assist students to carry their laptops and learning equipment to class.



In 2020, a passionate team of teachers worked on the Semester 1 Extended Pastoral Care program to ensure it continues to meet the needs of our students and develops a sense of connectedness and belonging to the college. The team consisted of representatives from the following groups;

  • Dr Tony Finn (Head of Wellbeing), and a college counsellor
  • A member of the House Leader team
  • A Homeroom teacher from each House (Chisholm, McAuley, Mackillop, Padua and Xavier)
  • A Pastoral Care Group teacher (Mercy Campus)

This collaboration has developed a sense of shared ownership of the program, with teachers excited by the opportunity to be part of the development and now implementation of the program. The new program which includes a range of activities including intra and inter house events, will also contribute to the Paul Tarrant House Spirit Cup.


A similar process will occur with the Semester 2 program, however the shareholders will be the students that participate in the Extended Pastoral Care program. Dr Tony Finn, Mr Dion Collins, House Team Leader and Chisholm House Leader, will work with House Captains and representatives from each House. It is important that we listen carefully to students that have participated in the program over the years and ensure they have an authentic voice. It is hoped that this will develop a sense of shared ownership in the program from the students.


I wish the students and families a successful 2021.


Mr Heath McClaer

Deputy Principal Students