2021 has commenced very positively for staff and students in the Wellbeing sector of St Joseph’s College. The wellbeing of students is a high priority for the staff and this has led to a very busy and engaging start to Term 1. Wellbeing staff have been involved in every major activity organised for students including the highly successful Years 9, 10, 11 and 12 Seminar Days where students were challenged to examine their values and practices in relationships at home, school and in the wider community. They were also provided opportunities to explore the way they view themselves at this time of their lives. These themes are central to the objectives of the Wellbeing Team.


The Wellbeing Team structure includes four professional counsellors who are available for students at our three campuses. These staff members are Mrs Jane Sparks, Mrs Sophie Maloney, Mr Nick Mazza and Mr Sam Deluca. Students access Wellbeing staff by emailing wellbeing@sjcmda.vic.edu.au, through their Homeroom Teacher or House Leader and through First Aid. 


Parents who are concerned about their child’s wellbeing are encouraged to discuss this with the Homeroom Teacher who will liaise with Wellbeing. Parents can also telephone the college directly, and a counsellor will return their call. Contact Wellbeing directly at wellbeing@sjcmda.vic.edu.au.


Parents should be aware that it is normal for students to have anxiety about a range of issues that arise in teenage life, but when the anxiety shows itself in behaviours or changes in moods that are negatively affecting the young person, then seeking support for parents is a legitimate response. In fact, getting in early can prevent major problems developing. Sometimes a quick chat with a counsellor can be both reassuring and lead to a good relationship between counsellor and student.


The Wellbeing Team work closely with all college staff to ensure that the wellbeing of all students is monitored and addressed when necessary. 


We also provide many programs to build self-esteem, resilience and positive relationships for students of all levels. At present, the team are meeting with all Year 7 students to introduce themselves and to check-in on how they are adjusting to secondary school. This is being done in Homeroom and House groupings with the hope of assisting in building relationships between these students who have a common Homeroom and House identity already. 


Year 12 students are being offered the opportunity to meet with the Wellbeing Team in Term 1 to touch base and to open communication for any issues that are current or which may arise during the year. This is a positive initiative and parents are encouraged to support their son/daughter taking part in this process. 


The Year 8 Wellbeing Day was a great opportunity to start the year at the Mercy Campus with a focus on building self-awareness and community relationships. The Wellbeing Team and other college staff offered a range of activities to enhance the days objectives.

Wellbeing strongly supports our Mercy values of compassion, community, hospitality and excellence (be the best person that you can). 


The Wellbeing Team, and all college staff, welcome contact with students and families in relation to any wellbeing issues. 


Dr Tony Finn

Head of Wellbeing