PFA News
The PFA is once again selling Christmas trees through the Rotary Club of East Malvern. For every tree sold, Carnegie PS receives $10-$15.
You can either do click and collect or choose to have the tree delivered for FREE (within 25km of 3145).
When you order, must enter the word 'Carnegie' in the Coupon section to make sure the school receives our payment.
This year you can order your tree online directly through Rotary using the link here:
Make sure you invite friends and family to order too!
Attached here is a document with all the information you need:
TONY'S CAFE-call for donations
Tony's Cafe, an outreach of St Anthony's Church, is a local soup kitchen that's been operating for over 11 years. Hundreds are cared for each week with delicious meals and care packages. Tony’s Cafe is run by a committed group of volunteers, spear headed by Gwen Fitzgerald, one of the kindest and most hardworking persons around. For Christmas, she's putting together self care packs to gift to those doing it tough. These include toiletries like soap, toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant, combs, etc. As a volunteer and parent at CPS, I was hoping to reach out to our wonderful CPS community for help. Any new/unused items you can spare would be greatly appreciated and would go towards making someone's Christmas a little brighter. To co ordinate pick up or drop offs in a covid safe way, please contact me (Priyanka) on 0413942458 or Veronica (Tony's Cafe organiser) on 0432087494. Many thanks for your generosity.Priyanka DCosta (Asher's mum 1C)