Students of the Week
November 16th, 2020
Dishani J Prep For always having a positive approach to her learning, always
completing her work to the best of her ability
Jagger M Year 1 For the incredible effort he has been displaying across all curriculum
areas. he has been listening so carefully on the mat. The Year One
teachers are proud of your efforts!
Bella P Year 2 For your positive attitude and always participating in all learning tasks
with a smile on your face. Well done!
Paige M-F Year 3 For achieving so many personal bests with your learning due to your
great attitude to your work. Well done!
Ramsay M Year 4 For his dedication to pushing himself since returning to the classroom.
His problem solving skills and ability to think outside the box has been
Zac M Year 5 For being a valued member of Year 5 and always conducting himself in a
courteous and mature manner.
Akshita G Year 6 For your constant perseverance with all of your work is inspiring to all
your peers and teachers. Don't ever stop being you!