From the Principal cont... 

Linda Jones


As always happens at the end of each year, we will say a fond farewell to some of our lovely staff and warmly welcome new members to our team. 

Larissa Kennedy and Janette Taylor have been granted leave, from Carnegie, for the 2021 year. Steve Miller and Kate McArdle have chosen to seek employment closer to their homes and Ingrid Jones & Janet Flack’s fixed term contracts will conclude. I know you will wish them all the best in their individual endeavours next year.

We recently advertised a small number of teacher positions and we will warmly welcome some new staff to CPS next year. I am hoping to have all staff for 2021 appointed by early December.


Staff are currently busy writing student reports reflection on your child/children’s achievements throughout this quite unusual 2020. These will be sent home on Wednesday 16th December. On Thursday 17th December the children will ‘Step-Up’ to their next year’s class for a short while and will meet the students that will be in their class in 2021 on this day. A list of all our classes and staffing structures will be shared with families on this day.

For those families who are choosing to take holidays prior to this date your reports will remain at school and can be collected on your return. Reports will not be made available prior to this date. 

The booklists for 2021 are currently being prepared and were approved during our November School Council meeting. The costs for 2021 will be quite similar to 2020.  The paper work associated will not be sent home till school resumes next year.  As in previous years, no payments are required until we commence in 2021. Our Parent Payment Policy can be viewed on our website or paper copies are available at the office too.


The leadership team and more particularly the classroom teachers will shortly commence the makeup of next year’s classes. The first criteria is that each child is placed with at least one friend they have chosen from a small list. There are lots of pieces of information and observations that are taken into consideration when placing the children and we ask once again that you support our decisions. We value all our teachers equally and again point out to you how closely our teams work together to take equal responsibility for the outcomes of all students in each grade area. We are very lucky with regards to the quality of our teachers across the board and this should not be taken for granted. The students will be told their placements before the end of term and will have a short session with their new class. Your support of your child can be quite enhanced by receiving news of their placement with enthusiasm and encouragement.


I am taking a short period of leave from Monday 31st November till Friday 4th December and Karen will be the Acting Principal capably supported by Liz Harley, our Leading Teacher.



Linda Jones & Karen Bentata-Grimm