From the Principal 

Linda Jones


The builders have been working tirelessly on our School Pride Landscaping Project – if all goes to plan the majority of this project will be completed prior to the end of term. Oh what fun will then be had ☺


It seems almost impossible to believe the end of the year is in sight. I believe that this year even more than usual it may seem like all of your energy is focused on your child/children, and you may have forgotten to look after yourself as much as you should.  Even if you may not seem to have the time it’s important to take care of yourself. If you are happy and healthy you will be able to be a better mother, father or partner.  Please remember to take those few minutes, each day, to stop and relax.

  • Take 3 good cleansing deep breaths - Close your eyes and visualize a calming scene
  • Massage the arches of your feet, the palms of your hand, or your neck
  • Sip a warm drink …and really appreciate the flavour
  • Eat something slowly, savouring every bite
  • Pop in some earbuds and listen to your favourite song or podcast
  • Colour or doodle
  • Share a story about a time when you felt relaxed or happy
  • Write down 3 things you love about yourself, your child, your family, etc.


At Carnegie Primary School, STEP UP is our whole school approach to transition which supports students transitioning from one grade level to the next throughout their years of schooling.

Step Up aims to prepare each student for the next stage in their educational journey, as we know successful school transition is vital to a child’s educational, social and emotional development.

Our Step Up program covers three levels: Kinder to prep, Year to Year level and Grade 6 to Secondary College.

Each transition stage enhances a child’s independence and supports successful participation in school life.

In Term 4 each year, our grade to grade level program takes place for the Prep to Grade 5 students.

This year, students will participate in two sessions with class teachers from the grade level above.

Parents can support their child through the transition process by asking positive questions such as:

  • What are you looking forward to the most next year?
  • What things are you really good at?
  • What would you most like to improve in next year and how can we help you achieve this goal?

These sessions will take place in December. The final session will take place with the students’ 2021 teachers in their 2021 classrooms.